Pretty like a doll {1}

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Song included: Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez

"Here. If I give you this doll will you STOP being such a nuisance?!"
It was her first gift from her so called father, so of course she treasured it. It was an old doll..but she adored it! It had a light peach skin tone, with blonde hair, it was at shoulder length but had some un-even ends to it, and she was wearing a light blue dress with matching shoes. Sure it was dirty, and the left arm had torn off..but she fixed it! She put bandages on it to keep it in it's place, it's face also had quite a bit of marker on it. Due to her peers drawing on it. But for some odd reason that wasn't enough for them..

"N-NO! Give her b-back-back! P-pl-please!" Her name is Mikan Tsumiki, she was a child that went to hopes peak elementary school. It went all the way to grade 6. And all of the children would play outside tougher. So the older kids would always harm the girl. She had dark purple hair that almost looking black. She was a sweet girl, yet her personality wasn't enough for anyone. As the older boy laughed he dropped the doll on the ground. Causing it to get covered in mud "No!! Please! I'm sorr-sorry i-f I did-did something!! Pl-please forgive me!!" She wailed, her face was covered in salty tears, sobbing as another tall male held her back from rescuing her beloved toy "hah! Your such a baby! It's only a doll, you'll survive!" He sneered as he stomps on it continuously. "But it's-its the only one I-I have!! And her arm might fall off! She-she did nothing to you! All I was was playing in the sand!! If you wanna be there then I'll move just please give her back!!" She continued to try and get out of the boys grasp. Failing, "ugh. If you keep yelling then you'll make a teacher hear. You'll be let off with a warning. Don't expect this to stop you little sk*nk." The boy who had her doll threw it at her. The other letting go of her and pushing her into the mud with it. She quickly grabbed it and just sat in place, crying and shushing the doll as if it were her friend. As she cried holding her treasure, she began heard footsteps, some getting closer and some getting farther away. She held it close, not caring about how messy her clothes had become. Her overalls were soaked in wet sticky mud and her white T-shirt only had a few splatters thankfully. "Hey..did those boys push you? Here let me help you up!" Mikan was scared. She couldn't trust anyone here. She was all alone. "Hey..I don't bite unless I don't like someone, and you seem nice!" The unfamiliar voice giggled, the girl opened her eyes seeing as a girl was in front of her.. she had raven black hair that was extremely long, having a few streaks of bright blue and pink including white with the mix, and was wearing a oversized shirt that had a band on it...she couldn't tell what the letters were, they were all scribbles, as she looked at the face over her, her expression softened, she was smiling wide, a tooth missing and had these little horns made of paper as a headband. She hesitates but slowly took the hand, Getting her body pulled up "Hiya!! My name is I-buki mio-da! Put it tougher and what do ya get? Ibuki Mioda!! And your name is?" The girl swirled around as she got a better look at the girl covered in mud in front of her "M-Mikan..Mikan Tsumiki..are-are you here to take my do-doll?" She asked scared "whaaa? No! Ibuki was scared you were hurt!! Those boys hurt you didn't they?!" She pouted and she brung her hands to her chest putting them into fists. "Mmh.." she softly mumbled. "Awe! That's not very nice!! You know what? You can play with Ibuki! She has a doll and we can play tougher!! Say, your really pretty! Pretty like a dolly! You could totally fool someone for an angel!" Ibuki blurted as the girl softly smiled, she never got told good things about herself often so she was happy that's someone didn't think she looked like..what dose here 'dad' call her.. wait. A wh*re. "Y-you really want me-me to play with you..?" She asked as she got closer to the girl who was grinning "mmh! And after we're gonna tell the teacher, you gotta enjoy outside while you can!" She smiles as she began to drag her to where she was playing before.

That was the start. She called me pretty... Like a doll. That's when I should've know. That I loved her. That I needed her. Yet I was stupid. And now have this pain and sorrow knowing that I can't get out of it. Yet I still try and please her. Her..her..her...her..her..her..her..I want ibuki..but Junko loves me..right? So I can't leave..

"Mikan! When we get older we're going to become a couple to prove that we love each other the most in the whole widest world!" That's what she said.
"But we're both girls, we can't fall in love!" I giggled.
"Yeah we can! My mama broke up with my dad to be with a lady! I have two mama's!! So yes we can!" ( you cannot tell me ibuki doesn't have two moms 😌) She laughed again, seeing as I looked so shocked, "yeah! Then yes Ibuki..w-when we get o-ol-older then we're gonna mommy and a mommy for our dolls..yeah! Can we do that ibuki?!" I grew excited...feeling happy..that feeling I get around her grew. And it never stopped and never has.

"Yeah!! We can be mommy's!!" She jumped in the air as she punched the bright sky " let's make it a pinky promise yeah?" She suggests "mmh!" They then locked their fingers tougher and say close to the same time " I pinky swear for my life for I must and will never lie!" Ibuki smiled, hugging me tightly as we reached her house..ever since she offered to play with me, we stuck close. We would walk home with each other since she lived close, and her mama would bring me was perfect. Yet I let it slip away. The opportunity to be happy with Mioda...but I can't go back now can I?

"Yo! Mikan!"

Mikan's POV
My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by ibuki, I ended up tripping, as I sigh and try and get up I gasp in pain as I realize that I was bleeding. "Oh sh*t! Mikan are you okay?!" She screamed, this is the worst walk back from school ever...I sighed and nodded "Ca-can you get me my-my first aid ki-kit p-please?" I smile at her, she nods quickly before looking in my light pink backpack. "'s not in here..Oooo! Ibuki will help you when we get home!" She smiles as she zips up the bag and brings me to my feet. "B-but..I do-don't wan-want to be a bothe-" "Mikan your practically family! And besides your dad is a jerk and doesn't treat you like the angel you are!" Ibuki started off with a happy sound in her voice, but when it came to my father she sounded annoyed "now come on dolly! You can stay with us for a bit!" She exclaims. "Well..maybe only for a little..Ju-Junko wanted to go out.." I smile, but my eyes quickly become concerned as I see ibuki have this look on her face, she looked angry but as she saw my expression she softly smiled "sorry it's just..Ibuki doesn't mean to sound rude but Ibuki doesn't like Junko." She said almost in a whisper. "Sh-She is really nice once you get to-to k-know her!" I tru and convince her. Why was I thinking hat Junko doesn't love me?! I shouldn't think that of my girlfriend..."well, you can stay for as long as we need to fix you up ya?" She asked happily "mm-mh..let's see -see if you actually lis-listen to my lessons on how to clean cuts." I sigh.

As Mikan awaited her princess in shining armour she takes a look around Ibuki's colourful room. It had band posers all around it, with her bed that had bright pink sheets and a blue pillow. Ibuki's face was also all around the room with her photos. Her desk which Tsumiki was sitting on had paper and tiny mini plants an rocks all around it. Nail polish was also stained on some of the desk leaving the sent of it there to stay. The girl had a love for music so she wasn't surprised to see instruments all around, it included drums flutes and guitars surprisingly placed    neatly to the side. Junk was also all over the floor, but for Ibuki, This was her clean. Her locker at school was worse.
"Dah day dah dah dah Daaah I-b-u-k-i is baaack!" The girl sang as she faced her way to where Tsumiki was sitting. "So Ibuki must clean the cut and then put the bandaid on?" "Yes Ibuki, since it isn't a deep cut it doesn't need any pressure." She sighs as Ibuki pulls out hello-kitty bandaids "ah-ha! Now Tsumiki will look ever more pretty with these bad boys! Wait..Ibuki thinks you always look pretty so it isn't really doin much!" She smiled as she saw Mikan's face flush. She hadn't even realized that she was done with her mark. The girls share a laugh before Mikan's phone buzzed

'Junko' it read.

As Mikan face got worried Ibuki just stood. She didn't know what to do. When Junko would call the clumsy girl she would always be in a rage. "Y-yes-" "where the he'll are you you little wh*re?! It's been 5 minutes!" She didn't even get to finish, "y-yes J-Jun-Junko I was just at I-ibuki's house cause I-I was hurt!" She cried, not wanting her so called lover angry. "Fine! Just be here soon or I swear to god Mikan!" Junko hung up the phone, Mikan at the verge of tears. Being yelled at was the worst "s-sorry Ibuki..well. I got-gotta get going. B-bye!" She tried smiling as she walked toward the door but quickly feeling a strong embrace wrap around her
"Bye bye dolly. I'll call you after mkay?"
"Y-yeah...b-bye Ibuki.."

Almost 2000 for the first chapter ? Wooooow I'm proud of myself! Anyways enjoy your day and make are to drink water >:(💛

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