This was not what I thought was gonna happen.

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I walked into the Jeffersonian with the elf hat Angie requested I wear for our holiday.
'I mean if the hat makes her happy then it makes her happy.... Where the hell did she tell me to meet her?'
I walked around the building and tried to stay away from the party for as long as I could, when I came across a room with lights on.
'Guess it's as good as any.'
As I got closer I saw a man walking towards the doorway and I stood just inside since I didn't want to interrupt anything important, when the alarms began to go off.
"What's that?" The man in the suit asked.
"Biological contamination." The dark skin male told.
"ZACK!" Someone exclaimed as the sliding doors began to pull shut as the dude next to me rushed towards it only for it to shut on him.
'Oh my.'
"Whoa!" He said making me shrug.
'Oh well. Guess I get out of going to the party.'
"The doors seal automatically. Don't worry about it." A familiar voice told.
I turned back around to the voice and gave her a worried look.
"Angie this is not the party I was expecting when you invited me." I told making her finally work out I was here.
"The one and only!" I told as I extended my arms in a showing manner.
She rushed over and wrapped her arms around me, and some how made it so her drink didn't spill.
"Oh ok. We are doing hugs."
"Never mind that. What do you mean, don't worry about it?" The man next to us asked.
"There's no use panicking until we know what it is." Temperance told.
"What as it?" He asked
"I would assume it would have been something that contaminated someone or the air so most likely air born substance." I stated as Angie pulled away.
"How do you know that?" The dark skinned man asked.
"Just do."
"Uh, we might know." Someone behind us told making us turn around.
Once I got a look at them I saw there were two guys who were obviously naked making me smirk.
"You know I am loving this already." I told as I smiled towards the two.
"I cut into the fallout shelter bones and the biohazard alarm went off." The cute one with the shaggy hair told.
"We're you conforming to autopsy protocol?" The dark skinned male asked.
"20 bucks says the dude with the Afro didn't." I told making Angie wrap her arm around me to cover my mouth.
"One of us was." The one with the shaggy hair told in a annoyed tone towards the other.
"The other was... drinking an eggnog." The one with the Afro added.
"And you didn't have your mask on. Oh..."
"I called it!" I exclaimed only for it to be muffled by Angies hand as I could tell she was shaking her head towards me.
"She's fine." Angie told making me give her hand a tap so she could move it, to allow me to speak.
"Right. He is Seeley Booth, he is Daniel Goodman, the one with the Afro is Jack Hodgins and the other one is Zack Addy."
"Why didn't you introduce Dr.Brennan?" Zack asked
"They've already met one another."
"What up Temperance!"
"Good to see you again Ashley."
"We've only met once over a video call. So should we figure out what the dumbass probs inhaled to find out if we can leave or not? Cause I honestly don't want to go to that party there are too many people." I stated as I clasped my hands together.

We were now in Temperances office as they conferred with someone official who was dressed in a Santa outfit, cause Christmas, via a video.
"The pathogen is coccidioidomycosis." The dude called Hal told.
"Valley fever?"
"But I have no fever and am not in a Valley." I said making Angie put her hand over my mouth to silence me and motioned for them to continue.
"It was picked up in the scanner in the discharge vent at Mr. Addy's station." Hal told
"What's valley fever?" Seeley asked
"It's a fungus that could lead to pneumonia, meningitis...." Zack began.
"Spontaneous abortion and death." I told once I pulled Angies hand away from my mouth.
"The alarm sounded shortly after Mr. Addy cut into a human bone. That must have been the source." Daniel told.
"Was he following autopsy protocol?" Hal asked
"Of course. However..." Temperance told making us all look towards Jack.
"I was drinking an eggnog." He told
"And now he's there with you breathing the same air." Hal questioned me nod.
"Hey, I got into the decontamination shower with Zack. Haven't I been through enough hell?"
"I would have loved to been there." I told making Angie shake her head.
"Is he contagious?" Seeley asked instantly becoming worried.
"Dr. Hodgins may have inhaled the spores, yes."
"Okay, it must suck to be Hodgins right now, but the rest of us, we didn't inhale. So it's okay if I go, right?"
"How stupid are you?.... oh wait your a fed it makes so much sense now." I told making Angie wrap her arm around my mouth instead to keep me more quiet.
"Dr. Hodgins may have exhaled the spores all over us." Daniel told
"We have no choice but to impose quarantine. Valley fever can be fatal, and we can't risk a pandemic. Just calm down and let us handle things from this side." The computer man told.
"Anyone besides me worried that a guy dressed like Santa is in charge?" Seeley asked
'Someone mad.... probs can't see his kid for Christmas.... yeah he looks like someone with a kid already.'
"Merry Christmas." He told coldly before the screen shuts off.
I removed Angies arm since I was tired by it and I moved so she was just by my side.
"Okay, you know what? If this is fatal, I will shoot both of you." Seeley told towards Jack and Zack.
"Shouldn't you shoot the dude who is the reason why we have to be here over Christmas and not the one who followed the rules?" I asked making him turn to look at me.
"I'll shoot you as well." He told pointing towards me.
"It'll just be another scar I'll have. Also I would stop you before you could."
"He's a sniper." Temperance stated.
"Ash is a skilled fighter. She has been shot at multiple times from what I know, and has only been hit once."
"Because I was distracted by Baby face and it's been about 50 times."
"All together?" Zack asked making me smile towards him.
"This month."
"Ash stop checking him out." Angie told
"He is hot! And half naked here! If you didn't want me to check him out, you wouldn't have invited me."
"How was I supposed to know we would get locked in here?"
"That's fair. But come on! Look at him being all cute!" I told as I pointed toward him.
"Someone's got a crush on Zack." Jack told
"Oh 100 fucken %!" I told making Angie laugh.
"Jesus Ash. What about Baby face?"
"We haven't talked in about a year. Both busy... I hate phones and he doesn't use phones a lot."
"Ah. Makes sense."
"I'm so confused with who you are?" Seeley questioned.
"Shit that's right no one has introduced me properly. I'm Ashley. But Angie calls me Ash, and the cute one can also call me Ash." I told giving him a wink making him blush.
"She's made him blush." Jack told making me smile.
"Maybe you guys could go get dressed. Ash do not check them out when they leave." Angie told
"Come on!" I exclaimed as they got up to leave.

Ash and her Christmas lockdown.Where stories live. Discover now