Picking our Secret Satan.

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We woke up and made our way down to the first floor as Zack was talking about the disease we may have.
'It's way too early for this.'
"In some cases of valley fever, suppurating skin lesions appear." He told as we walked over to where everyone else but Temperance was and as Seeley finished his pull ups.
"Could someone in a position of responsibility please order Zack to shut up?" He asked as we neared the cart of breakfast.
"Hey Zack."
"Could you maybe save the smarts talk until after we've woken up more and had something to drink and eat?" I asked as I leaned a little against him.
"Of course."
"Ok how the hell did you manage that." Jack questioned making me give him my sleepy smile.
"He just likes me more." I told as Angie walked over from where she slept.
"Coffee. Coffee." She said as I handed her a cup I was preparing.
"Good morning, Miss Montenegro." Daniel said.
"Where'd this come from?" She asked
"Hazmat team brought it over early this morning. Very appetizing." He explained before turning to Seeley. "Are you back with us?"
"Yeah, think so." He told
"Damn I liked stoner Seeley." I told with a small smile.
"I see you've become close with those two." Angie told referring to how I was between them and still leaning against Zack.
"Yeah. We bonded over not trusting the government and my knowledge with this one." I told as I pointed towards Jack and then Zack.
"Well, since we're gonna be stuck together for Christmas, we should make the most of it." She told
"How?" Seeley had asked
"We'll decorate this place and exchange handmade gifts." She told
"Why are they called handmade gifts if they aren't made out of hands?" I asked
"I'll tell you once you've woken up more." Zack told making me nod.
"Cool cool."
"An excellent idea, Miss Montenegro." Daniel told
"I can get behind that." Zack told
"I second that." I told after him.
"I'm in." Jack added making us fist bump.
"As am I." Daniel added
"How 'bout Bones?" Seeley asked making all of us but Angie shake our heads. "Aw, come on. What's the deal with Bones and Christmas?"
"Last night I spun a little story about two young lovers running off to Paris. But the man never shows up, and the woman is left wondering what happened to him. And I say, 'Imagine what that must have been like.' And Brennan says, 'I don't have to.'." Angie explained.
"Yo sames!" I exclaimed making the two boys next to me give me a nudge so I looked to see them giving me the look that I didn't have to go through it anymore.
'Think it's safe to say we are going to be great friends.'
"Yeah I- I still don't get it." Seeley told making give him a confused look.
'God he is not bright.'
"Oh my God." Daniel said once he realised.
"What?" Seeley asked still not understanding.
"Brennan's parents disappeared just before Christmas when she was fifteen." Angie told
"And she never knew what happened to them." Daniel added.
"I understand how she would feel." I quietly told making Angie give me a sad smile making me return it before looking towards the cart of food.
"Oh, God. That explains a lot." He said.
"Mm, yeah." Jack said agreeing with him.
"Yeah." Daniel spoke not knowing how we would move past this.
"So how we gonna do secret Satan?" I asked hoping that was enough to change topic.
"Ash is right. Alright, we need a way to choose our Secret Santas." Angie told.
"I could build a random generator." Zack offered.
"Doing that would take longer for it to work right?" I questioned making him think.
"Ah, wouldn't it be better to match complimentary people in a premeditated manner?" Daniel offered.
"You guys don't know me well enough to place me with someone who knows me."
"Angela does." He stated.
"Yeah that's kinda an obvious choice isn't it?" I asked making him nod.
"I've got five numbers in my head and five letters. You tell me the number and I'll tell you the matching letter." Jack told making them argue as I saw Seeley and Angie begin their own method of choosing.
"Are the letters sequential or the numbers sequential?" Daniel asked.
"Sequential, we'll go in order from oldest to youngest." Jack explained.
"You know this is not how secret Santa works right." I explained before Zack spoke.
"There's no seven." Jack told
"Why not?" I asked making him give me a are you serious look.
"A through E and one through six." Daniel explained before Seeley cleared his throat.
We all looked towards him to see he was holding a metal container with what I assumed had our names in them.
"Pick a name, and if you get your own, put it back in." He told
"Oh, that could work." Daniel said
"Yeah, that's good." Jack agreeded
"Good idea." Angie told and I could tell she was glad the arguments had finished.
"Now this is how secret Santa works." I stated as I went to grab a name.
I looked at it as I hid it from everyone to see who I got.
'Cool. Got Zack..... what the fuck do I get him?!'

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