Those are one hell of a drugs.

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I was relaxing on the stairs leading up to the platform that the unknown vic was. Zack had covered the bones in a plastic dome as it now resided on the examination table.
"I zapped the bones with ultraviolet light and arranged them on the isolation table so we won't have to worry about spores. In addition, I found this sewn into the lining of his clothing." He told as he passed the small bag to Temperance, who examined it to see the ring inside.
"A woman's wedding band."
"Ooo let me!" I exclaimed as I got up and went over to see it.
"Two tickets to Paris, a wedding band, a picture begins to form."
"We don't form pictures. We accumulate evidence. Dental work?" Temperance told before asking the question.
"Acrylic resins in the interior fillings from the 1940s. Childhood tibia break. Bad enough that he walked with a limp." He told before pulling out another bag with things in it. "Also, he wore a toupee."
He passed the bag to Temperance and she looked at the sample before speaking.
"It doesn't seem to have degraded." She stated.
"That's because it's the synthetic known as Dynell. Which means it wouldn't have look great." I told before looking towards Zack who had his mouth open slightly like he was gonna speak. "Sorry about that. I knew what it was and wanted to jump on bored of what it was."
"How did you know that?"
"Ashley has a few doctorates herself." Temperance told.
"That's true I do. Started uni at the age of 13."
"Has anyone stated you are a peculiar being Ash."
"All the time.... by my closest friends and family cause no one else is game enough." I told giving him a smile which he slowly returned.

We were standing in front of the platform with seven needles laid out on a tray with us being assisted by men in full-body protective suits.
"You know, this is probably someone kink." I quietly told Angie making her chuckle.
"This is a cocktail of four antifungal drugs, including amphotericin B. Orally, you'll be taking ketoconazole, fluconazole, and itraconazole." Hal told.
"That's great. Then we can leave?" Seeley asked
"Oh you truely do fit into the fed role then don't you." I told making Angie nudge me as he gave me a quick glare.
"We won't know for a couple of days if the fungus took hold in your system." Hal told.
"Let's go drugs!" I exclaimed making them all look towards me.
"She doesn't actually take drugs. She's just trying to lighten the mood since she doesn't like people touching her without her permission." Angie explained.
"It's true I am not a fan of physical contact." I told as the people in suits proceeded to administer the shots to us all.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're saying that we're stuck here over Christmas? Look, you know, I have... places to go, you know? I have obligations." Seeley told
"We all have obligations." Daniel explained.
"Yeah Seeley. Just cause your a higher up doesn't mean you are the only one who has special treatment." I told as we all began to put our pants back on properly.
"I'm supposed to go to Quebec." Jack told
"Hey, whose fault is this?" Angie questioned.
"Who forced me to go to the party where I drank to much and had to hide from Crystal?" Jack shot back.
"Bro I gotta know the story there."
"You don't sweetie. But who never should have cut into a bone with a drunken fool in the room?" Angie questioned.
"Hey don't blame the cute one. He shouldn't have had to make sure Jack would know how to follow the rules when that's not his job." I told
"She's playing favourites." Jack told making me flip him off as Angie brought my hand down to stop it.
"I am not really complaining here. I mean I was gonna get dragged to a party with a lot of people getting drunk by miss. Hot stuff here. This way I get outta doing that and get to spend time with the cutie." I told as I gave him another wink making him blush again.
"Who brought us human remains just to ditch a little paperwork?" Zack asked
"Oh, you're saying this is my fault?" Seeley asked
"You knew Dr. Brennan could not resist." Daniel told
"I'd have been able to resist if I was in Niger, where I wanted to be." Temperance explained.
"You're blaming me." He stated
"Pretty sure that's the case here Doc."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we'll have sleeping bags delivered. Please have your loved ones call me and we'll set up some kind of safe, quarantined visit on Christmas Eve. Oh, and be prepared for side effects." Hal told stopping the argument.
"Nausea, fever, insomnia." Temperance told.
"In very rare cases, euphoria, dream state, mild hallucinations." Hal explained.
"I'll take that, please." Angie told as she raised her hand a bit.
I raised my hand making the computer dude give a confused look.
"Yes miss. Harper?"
"Oh just call me Ashley. But what if we already have one of those side effects does it like double in it then?"
"I actually have no clue with that."
"Rats." I quietly told
"What do you have?" Zack asked
"I'll tell you later." I told making him give a nod.
"Early symptoms mimic a common cold." Hal told
"What if it manifests?" Daniel asked
"Lots of owies." I told
"First treatment protocol involves extremely painful injections into the base of the brain." Zack told
"See. Owies."
"You know what?" Seeley said making us all turn to face him, to see he was staring up towards the ceiling. "I never realised how pretty all this shiny stuff is."
"That is so not fair." Jack told making me laugh.
"I love this Christmas so far." I told making Angie smile.

I was reading one of the books I found that interested me in Temperance office in one of the autopsy rooms with Zack and Jack under their sleeping bags since I didn't want to do girl talk with Angie and Temperance.
'Who knew Temperance kept a copy of her murder books in her office.'
"Tomorrow I was supposed to leave for Quebec. You wanna know the true meaning of Christmas? It's being inside a 300-year-old inn with a French Canadian masseuse when there's ten feet of snow outside." Jack told
"Sounds nice." I said making him nod.
"It truely is."
"Christmas is going home to Michigan and heading into the woods with your brothers to cut a twelve foot Christmas tree, and you all decorate it together. Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews. Forty people who all love you and are happy to see you. That, my friend, is the true meaning of Christmas." Zack told making me smile.
'Wonder how baby face is going with this one.'
"Nah, I'm gonna have to go with the masseuse on this one." Jack told making me chuckle.
"How do you spend Christmas Ash?" Zack asked
"I spend it with Angie and her dad."
"What about your own family?" Jack asked
"Don't like spending time with my dad and haven't seen my mother since I was young. Not really a family if you ask me. So ever since I could I would spend Christmas with Angie. To me Christmas is about spending it with the people you love."
"That's really nice." Zack told.
"So how come your not with Angie and Brennan?"
"Girl talk. Not for that." I told making him chuckle.
"You are strange Ash."
"I never said you could call me Ash, Jack."
"Oh but Zack can?!" He asked as he sat up a bit to look at me.
"Yep!" I exclaimed making us laugh.
"So what was the side effect you already have?" Zack asked as he sat up making me laugh seeing him look like a cocoon. "What?"
"You just look amusing like that." I told before giggling more.
They looked at one another and Jack joined in on how amusing he looked as Zack held a confused look on his face. I soon calmed down and let out a breath before speaking.
"And to answer your question. I have insomnia sometimes, especially when working cases."
"Your a fed?" Zack asked
"She can't be. She's been giving Booth attitude about him being a fed."
"Of course I would. He works for the government and all those coverups." I told
"Oh Im starting to like you Ashley."
"I've found my peeps!" I exclaimed as I raised my arms into the air.
"So what do you work as then?" Zack asked
"I am a private investigator." I told
"Interesting." They both said as one.
"Yeah. So what about you two?"
"I'm Dr.Brennan assistant." Zack told
"Bone forensic anthropology." I stated before turning my attention to Jack.
"I am the Forensic Entomologist." He told
"Oooo fancy! We be sharing the same knowledge then."
"I think you'll be interesting to get to know Ash."
"Like wise my good man." I told making him give me a confused look. "Oh right. I'm chill with you calling me Ash now. Now that I know we are on the same side of things."
"Of course we can never be too careful."
"If you truly think about things. Ash is almost like a female version of you." Zack told
"You have a vast knowledge on weapons and have been shot before going to the academy for the fbi?" I asked
"No." They told looking towards me.
"Then I'm not the female version of you. I also hate phones."
"Why?" They both asked
"Because I could be tracked. Come on guys we gotta think smart here." I told
"You Ash, are amazingly weird." Jack told
"I do try."

Ash and her Christmas lockdown.Where stories live. Discover now