Chapter Twelve-And the razor came down on the cobbled road

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And the dull lamps glowed.

     Edna Bess, 15, was watching the streets.

     She had long, black hair, brown eyes, and tall.

     She was wearing a black colored shawl; she wore black colored boots.

       And, as she smoked, a gust of unnatural cold wind blew in the foggy, cobbled road. London was full of prostitutes; full of the dead.

         She watched the other girls apply their trade.

          Some used their legs to get men; some used sex to get what they wanted. Some didn't get anything and were beaten up senseless by their 'owners'; some were lying dead in the cobbled streets strangled and murdered with a sharp razor that their boyfriends used to cut their thoraxes during a fight; some died from suicide; some fled London town altogether, due to the dread they felt at working the streets...Because the London Ripper was coming...And there was no escape from the Doctor's bloody blade.


"I don't want to go oot!", said Kelly McDaniel, 21.

            She had long, brown hair, brown eyes, and tall.

            She wore a black dress, black boots, and huge breasts.

             "But you got to, Kelly", said Mary Ann "Polly" Nichols. She smiled at her friend. Kelly nodded, as the Scottish woman stared ahead.

              Then, out of the fog that had descended on London town, came a man.

              "Good eve, Ladies! Now, what shall we say we have some fun...". He smiled. Then, to their horror, he grabbed a straight razor from his black colored bag that he had. With a thud, he slashed the razor across Kelly's throat.

              Blood gushed down the cobbled road, as Mary Ann "Polly" Nichols screamed, then fled in terror, eager to get as far away from The London Ripper as possible.


And, as the whistle blew from a Bobby, a new kind of horror arrived in London.

              And the nightmare had had begun.

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