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"Why is she dead?", Emily asked the Doctor as he watched the blood drip down the sharp razor. It landed on the cobbled road, as a loud disturbed the eerie silence.

        "Because she sinned...And she died not as a Child of the Lord; but as a Child of Sin", the Doctor answered, as the Churchwarden George Lusk, arrived.

        "I need to go! The Churchman is 'ere", Doctor said, and he fled before he was caught, leaving Margaret and Emily carrying the pies and vegetables in their hands...As the body of Mary Belle rotted in the cobbled blood gushed all down the sewerage drains that were to the right...And never stopped.



George Lusk saw the body of Mary Belle. He blew his whistle and, as he did so, he saw Margaret and Emily.

          "MURDER! MURDER! MURDER!", George Lusk yelled, as he surrounded the girls...As they knew that their new, free life, was now over.

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