May I?

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Regina pulls off leaving Emma behind to watch, however she's watching Emma in her front view mirror trying to see if Emma's still watching.

Her car starts to sway off the road as Emma walks back into the diner, she notices an slams on the brakes causing her to bang her head on the steering wheel, knocking her out.

"Hey miss, you okay? You've hit your head pretty hard" She begins to come around to the voice of man who's helping her out of the car.


The man examines her head, "it doesn't look to bad, no need for hospitals. Where abouts do you live, miss?" The man asks trying to figure out what's best for her.

"Out of town, I'm fine. Just let me..." Regina stumbles

"Woah, ma'am you're not alright. Allow me to drive you home" he says taking her keys and placing her in the passenger seat as he sits in the drivers seat an drives Regina to her mansion, which wasn't hard to find.

As they arrive Regina is still unconscious in the passengers seat. "Miss, you're home" he says realising Regina never stood a whisker resulting in him lifting Regina from the passenger side and taking her inside.

He kicks the door closed behind him and drops Regina on her couch, he then drops her keys on the kitchen counter am exit the house allowing Regina to remain unconscious.

Regina shortly woke on her couch, what am I doing here? Regina can't remember the bump on the head or the man bring her home all she couldn't get out of her mind was Emma and her golden hair.

She stands up rubbing her sore head, ouch! She felt a nasty lump on her head. She strolls into the bathroom and takes a look at her head, a large red lump was present on her forehead.

She stumbles into the kitchen an looks at the clock on the wall 6:30pm. What am I suppose to do now? Maybe I should cook.

Regina searches in her kitchen cupboards and finds some spaghetti an a jar of bolognese sauce. She boils the spaghetti and mixes the sauce into it.

She sets a place on her dining table and sits down digging into her meal. After she spoons the last mouth in to her mouth she sits looking at the empty plate. What do I do now?... Knitting, No.. Sewing, No... Gardening, hell no...

She sits thinking for a while before washing her dish an placing it on the draining board, she turns around looking into her large living room when she spots a book resting on the coffee table.

She walks on over and picks it up 'William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet' She takes hold of it and sits on the couch in a comfortable position.


She finally finishes the book and begins to drop in an out of sleep so she decides to head to bed, once her head hit the pillow she felt straight to sleep.


«Ms. Swan stay! Please!»

‹I have to...›


"Ahh!!" Regina wakes up shaking with fright, her heart pounding in her chest.

It was just a dream! Just a dream!

She calms down after some controlled breathing and notices the time 8:30am "Dame it! I'm going to be late!" She says before jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom.

She quickly draws some eye liner on and brushes on her foundation before going to her wardrobe an picking out a black pencil skirt, a red blouse and a pair of stocking followed by suedetta heels.

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