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(A/N so I feel like Meg and Rachel would be good friends so they will be appearing a lot together)

It was thanksgiving day and it was chaos Percy and Annabeth, Luke and Zoë are staying with us for the holidays ,Leo and calypso came early with their son Festus to help set up and of course Chuck and his family were already here.

Calypso, mom and Millie were in the kitchen cooking up a storm Leo, coach hedge (yes I do call him coach bc I grew so used to Percy calling him that)
And Luke were cracking jokes and Percy Annabeth and Zoë were arguing about whether or not blue cookies were an acceptable thanksgiving food and Festus was asleep.

After awhile everything was all set up and the food was cooked and people started to come in.

Everyone who we invited came except for Meg and Rachel

After a while mom said "maybe we should start eating without them" I could tell she wanted to wait but we were all hungry so we headed to the kitchen.

Just as we sat down the door banged open and I herd a voice yell "guess what we brought wine!" Than another voice yell "sorry were late we met up with a hellhound on the way here"

I looked over and saw the two girls in matching flowery dresses holding a big thing of red wine.

They sat down at the table and we all started eating and talking.

( A/N Sry this is a short one maybe a longer one next time)

Here have a blue cookie :) 🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙

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