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(Hello hello just your friendly reminder that I don't own this series or eny of these characters they all belong to uncle rick)

Estelle pov

I stare out the window at the pouring rain as I sat in the back row of the minivan. chuck was next to me cracking jokes and reading a wildlife magazine while his parents were in the row in front of us Paul was driving and sally in the passenger seat.

The hedges rode with us often so that there would be less gasoline that had to be used and were there for helping the environment.

We were on our way to Percy amd Annabeths house for Christmas.

I was always exited but this year I was extra exited because Thalia was coming you see she hasn't come to Christmas at Percy and Annabeths house since four years ago when as a prank Percy piper Leo and me tied her down to a chair and wrapped her in tinsel and greenery

It did not end well for me Percy Leo and piper

Finally we pulled in to the driveway.

It was a medium sized 2 story house the windows were lit up so I could tell there were people inside.

We walked in and there was Christmas music and chatting and yelling.

We walked in to the kitchen/ living room and we seemed to be the last ones.

They had invited an extra large group this year.

I looked around and saw Annabeth , calypso and Katie sitting on the couch talking and Leo Travis and Conner running around with the kids and Rachel and Meg in the corner talking quietly and drinking wine Percy was pretending to talk to the Christmas tree and Thalia was standing behind him looking pissed off.

Reyna was standing next to Thalia with her hand on her shoulder keeping her from murdering Percy.

And gods know where will and Nico were but I knew they were here because I saw their adopted daughter Bianca running around with the other kids.

-time that likes to skip-

A few days later I was eating breakfast when the door burst open and standing there were 2 people that I know immediately there was a big muscular girl and a average size boy standing next to her.

They stepped inside and I could see them in the light the girl was dressed in combat boots and camo clothes and the boy in a Christmas sweater.

They were obviously Clarisse and Chris!

Me and Zoë ran up and hugged Clarisse because neither of us got to see her vary often.

She awkwardly hugged us back than she looked up and said "thanks for the invite prissy" although I could tell she really was happy to spend her Christmas with us.

We all greeted them and Chris put the gifts he was carrying under the tree.

The rest of the day was lots of fun

At one point Clarisse almost cried of joy when Sielena said she was her best friend after Clarisse told her how to make a home made land mine in under five minutes.

(A/N so what did you think? Do you want me to do a part two if so plz give me an idea for it :) )

Estelle Blofis One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now