Another Win for Weasley

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Melody Lovegood

I woke up this morning and started to get ready. I was doing my hair when Elianna woke up. "Mornin" I winked. She ignored me, laughed and got out of bed to get dressed. When we finished getting ready, we headed outside with Louis. "Why are you two so a happy?" "Nothing," Elianna and I said while laughing. We both wanted to keep it just between us for now. All 3 of us were near our class when Ron started walking with us. "Are you guys coming to today's Quidditch game?" Ron asked. Elianna asked, "Who are you boys playing against?" "Slytherin." "Interesting," I said. I wonder how this was gonna go... We all know Malfoy is on the Quidditch team and we all don't like him except for a little of me and Elianna. We all went into potions and sat down just in time for class to start.

Potions was pretty boring like always, but Snape fell today and that was funny. As soon as class was over, we all separated and went to our other classes. I went to Herbology class with Louis and we learned all sorts of new things. Quite interesting, but I was just focused on seeing the boys play in a bit! After herbology class, Louis and I met up with everyone else. We all ate lunch before the big game. The boys talked about the game while us girls talked about the ball on Saturday. I'm sure the boys had enough to eat. Though I'm not sure about Ron because he seemed a bit nervous. I sat next to him and I said, "You'll do great!" "I hope so, thanks." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then the Fred said, "Sorry ladies, and Louis, but us boys have to get ready for the game. See you there!" I hugged Ron and they left. We finished eating and then all went to our dorms to change for the game.

We're all downstairs dressed and ready for the game. "I need to use the bathroom, but you r four can go on without me." "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded to agree. So, Louis, Luna, Hermione and I all left the room and we headed out to the Quidditch field to find seats. We got to the stands and I said, "Make sure there's room for Elianna down there." Louis checked and it was all good. Elianna finally came and we all waited for the game to start. I saw Louis look concerned when he saw Elianna and I guess he talked to her about it. He turned to Luna, Hermione and I and told us what she said. "WHAT? ELIANNA YOU HAVE TO TELL GEORGE." I told her. "No, I don't wanna get anyone involved." Hermione looked at Elianna and said, "Malfoy just yelled at you, he should know. C'mon we'll all go down with you."

So we all headed our way down to tell the boys. Elianna was walking behind Louis when we got to them. "Came to give us a little kiss before the big game?" Fred said while laughing. George and Ron probably told him about that night, but we have bigger things to deal with right now. I rolled my eyes and said, "Actually, no Fred. Elianna has to tell George something." So, Elianna pulled George to the side to tell him privately. "What's that all about?" Ron asked. I said, "Draco yelled at Elianna..." The boys were shocked and pissed off. "Ugh, Malfoy! Let's graphetti coward outside their common room." Ron said angry. "Better yet, let's sneek in a puking pestal in his food," George said mischievously. "Why did he yell at her?" Harry asked. "I think he yelled at her because he found out about the snake when we played truth or dare." When they finished talking, George stormed off to go to the Slytherin side while Elianna tried to convince him not to.

He angrily walked to the Slytherin side of the field and Malfoy said, "Agh, come to congratulate us already?" "You wish," Hermione said angrily. Malfoy laughed and they started to announce Slytherin names. First up was Adrien Pucey. "What you did wasn't funny Malfoy," George said. "I don't know what your talking about," Malfoy laughed. The announcer then called Draco's name. "Looks like it's my turn. Wish my luck ladies." Ron grabbed my hand. Malfoy grabbed Elianna's hand, bent down, kissed it, then looked at George and said, "No matter what Weasley, you'll always be second choice." Malfoy walked away and laughed. Even though Malfoy was my cousin, I still don't think what he did was right. He shouldn't have yelled at Elianna, kiss her and and say that to George.

George walked out after Malfoy and pushed him from behind. Malfoy slowly turns around and George says, "Apologize to her right now." The other people from Slytherin's team starts to walk up behind Draco, making eye contact with each one of us, me, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Louis, Luna, and Fred while behind George. "Fine," turns to Elianna and says, "I'm sorry..." All of us then turn back around to leave when he continues saying, "..Sorry I kissed Elianna, Weasel." laughing. Elianna turned around and yelled, "WHAT?" George quickly turned around and charged at Draco punching him in the face. My draw dropped - something bad was about to go down, but I'm not gonna lie I was kind of like very interested in what was gonna happen. I then ran up to Draco and George trying to break up the fight as Draco accidentally punched me in the face. I hit the ground and fell unconscious. Everything was dark and I was in pain. All I could think about was what had just happened? What was going on? I began to start opening up my eyes again little by little and I moaned in pain trying to get up. My right eye was hurting and my nose was bleeding. I used my sweater and wiped my nose as it dripped with blood. There was a lot of commotion and everyone was fighting each other. It made me a bit dizzy. I put my hand on my head as I looked around and saw Ron getting beat up in the gut by Adrien. As I see it happening, Hermione stupefys who ever was attacking her, runs to me and helps me up. I get up on my feet and yell Ron's name. As Hermione is holding me back from running to him, I got myself loose and run to Ron. I stupefied Adrien causing him to fly back. There he was. On the floor in pain. I go up next to him and say, "Ron! Are you okay??" He was unconscious and wasn't saying or doing anything. Hermione comes running up to us and I start to cry trying to get help. I looked around and Hermione and I see George beating up Draco as Dumbledore yells, "Everyone, back inside," on the loud speaker. Everyone goes in while Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall come down to the field. Dumbledore comes and helps me with Ron to get him and I to the hospital wing while Professor McGonagall goes to Elianna, Draco and George. As we were getting up, I put Ron's around me and his other was on Hermione, trying to help him get to the hospital wing.

When we arrive, Dumbledore calls Madam Pomfrey and Hermione and I lay Ron on one of the beds. He held his stomach in pain. "Are you two okay?" Dumbledore asked. We both turned nodding our heads when he told Madam Pomfrey to help me with my eye and bloody nose real quick. I didn't wanna leave Ron, not right now. He was in so much pain I didn't wanna leave his side. So there I was trying to resist and stay with him while crying, as Hermione was finally able to pull me away so that I could get help. Hermione stayed with Ron as I got all fixed up and Dumbledore left. Madam Pomfrey gave me an ice pack for both my nose and my eye. A lot of thoughts were going through my head. I was really worried about Ron, but also worried about Elianna and George. What happened? Were they okay? As I put the ice pack on my nose first, I pulled up a chair next to Ron as Madam Pomfrey helps him. "You need rest, dear," she said. I ignored her and grabbed Ron's hand. I was just there beside him as he rested. What even really happened after I fell unconscious? Ron was in so much pain. He had many injuries on his face. After a few minutes I started crying again and he was like saying something, but he wasn't like awake or anything. I guess me crying had woken him up. "Melody," he said very quietly. I wiped my face and said, "Ron, are you okay?" "Melody," he said again and fell back to sleep. I smiled and for the rest of the night, I held his hand and fell asleep next to him.

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