Part 3: The Morning Of The Yule Ball

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It was the morning of the Yule ball. Snow flakes fell slowly from the bright white sky. Y/n knew tonight would be a good opportunity to get closer to Harry, but she just had to gain his trust.

Y/n stirred in her bed as the light from outside peaked through her curtains which lit up the dorm. The curtains here were no way near as blocking as her ones at home. The change in scenery and detail definitely interested y/n, it made her feel a different way. Being at home gave her a lonely intense feeling and being here gave her a more loving and welcoming feeling. But soon enough she'll go back to that cold dark home...


I pulled the covers over my head trying to cover the all the light that shone through the window.

"Y/n come on get up!" Hermione yells excitedly grabbing the covers and pulling them from over my head.

"You seriously have a death wish Granger" I spit shoving my pillow over my head.

"Y/n Riddle! Get up NOW!" She shouts a little making my body tense. I remove the pillow off my head and look up at her.

"How dare-"

"We don't have time we need to go get dresses" she cuts me off with her sassy tone that I think most people despise, but I like how she's not afraid to use it with whoever.

I groan and scoot my body to the edge of the bed. My bare feet meet the cold wooden flooring and I lift my body up dragging it over to my suitcase. I throw on some warm comfy clothes, making sure to put on a scarf and my coat.

"Alright Granger lets go" I say in a tone to show that I really was in a mood.

We make our way down through the castle and down to the train. A few of the students had joined us too. I'm assuming they were doing the same.

"Hey riddle" I heard the voice of the Malfoy as I walked past a compartment.

"Yes Malfoy?" I question looking back at him.

"Still going with Potter?" He questions, laughing right after he asks.

"Y/n come!" Hermione says as she points at an empty compartment.

"Goodbye Malfoy" I sass, turning back to Hermione and leaving him stood there. I could feel the intense looks he was giving me.

We enter the compartment and sit opposite each other. The train ride was quiet but quick. We arrived at Hogsmede.

"Follow me I have the best place" Hermione says quickly grabbing my hand and dragging me towards a store. As we enter I notice many beautiful dresses.

"Okay how about this one?" She says picking up a bright blue dress.

"Uhhh.. it's too bright" I say with a disgusted look.

"I know exactly what's for you!" Hermione smirks while rummaging through the dresses.

"Ahhh! Here we are!" She smiles.

~time skip to after dress shopping~

We finally make our way back to the train, my fingers and toes numb from the ice cold snow that kept slowly trickling from the sky. As we climbed on board I felt the warmth hit my cold skin, making my nose appear a very dark red colour.

Hermione and I find a compartment and shove our tired bodies on the seats.

"I think that was very successful if you ask me" she says with a huge smile.

"Agreed" I smile softly slowly turning my head towards the window.

The ride was again very quiet until someone opens the door to our compartment, Hermione shoots her head towards the door and I keep mine looking at the view outside.

"Oh hey Harry" Hermione cheerily says. I keep my eyes focused on the outside world.

"May we join?" I heard him ask in a tone that was to check to see if I would be okay with it. I see Hermione look at me out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head slowly to look at her. She gave me the
look as if to say 'say something'.

"Sure" I say turning my head back to the window.

"Thanks. Guys come on" Harry says placing himself next to me.

"Hey Y/n" the voice of Fred Weasley emerged, I turn to see him place himself next to Hermione.

"Uh.. hey Fred" I smile softly at him. The compartment filled with awkwardness. I had to get out.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom" I clear my throat standing up quickly and exiting. I walk down the aisle for a little till I hear Draco.

"I can't believe she chose Pottah!" I hear the anger flow out of his voice. I want to continue listening but I know I shouldn't.

"Why do you sound so jealous?" I heard a girls voice, I think it may be the girl who is glued to him.

"I'M NOT!" He snaps. I could feel the tension from where I was standing. As I was getting more and more intrigued the train came to a stop.

"You coming Draco?" I heard the female voice ask.

"You guys go, I've gotta sort something" I heard him calmly say. I was very curious but I didn't want to talk to him... I ran off the train leaving my dress behind...


~back on the train~

The three sat confused as to wonder where Y/n had disappeared too.

"Maybe she's already gone" Hermione tries to explain Y/N's disappearance.

"I'm going to go look for her, you guys go get ready for the ball" Harry exclaims excusing himself from the compartment.

He walks down the aisle, trying to track Y/n, but she was no where to be seen. However he notice the blonde boy stood in a compartment alone. Curiosity filled Harry's body leading him into the room with Malfoy.

"It's rude to steal Potter!" Draco spits as he slowly turns throwing a spell at Harry causing him to fall and pass out.

"You should've know better to mess with me... She'll be mine" Draco spits over Harry's body and calmly leaves the train.

Harry lays there unconscious, his whereabouts unknown to most people except the boy who will do anything for Miss Riddle...

Fallen for a Riddle ~ A FredxDraco love storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt