Part 5: Hurt

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It was the morning after the ball. Y/n's mind filled with the words Draco had said to her. She didn't know what was going on. Time was passing by as Y/n just laid there daydreaming.

"Oh shoot, I gotta go!" she exclaims quickly jumping out of bed and throwing her uniform on. Grabbing her books, Y/n exits the room running down to go to the great hall. She stops in her tracks when she notices Harry walking with a glum look on his face.

"Hey Harry!" She yells hoping Harry would slow down.

"Go away Y/n" he says bluntly while still walking away from her. Confusion filled her to why he was acting like this. She wondered what she had done wrong, until she realized there can only really be one thing that has annoyed him but he wasn't even there... was he?


"Woah Harry what has got your wand in a knot?" I question putting my arms up in defense.

"Why don't you go have fun with Malfoy?" His voice raised a little more than before.

"Wait what? what are you talking-" I stop my sentence in realization that Harry must have heard what Draco and I were talking about. But does that mean he followed me? He wouldn't do that.

"Harry, I really don't want to fight with you... listen to me last night wasn't what it looked like." i sigh hoping he would just drop it... if he doesn't speak to me my task could be in jeopardy.

"Of course it wasn't Y/n! His hands were all over you!" he shouts making me jump a little..

"If you want 'fun' clearly I can't help with that" he lowers his voice as a few students attention had turned to us...

"Harry please just listen to me..." I run my hands through my hair out of frustration.

"Just piss off Y/n. I don't want to talk about this right now" He says turning away.

"Ugh fine, don't listen then, you're the one missing out" I say with sass and storm passed him walking into the great hall. He follows me in and we sit down at the table awkwardly avoiding each other.

"Hey Fred! Want to help me study?" I say smirking.

"Of course" Fred looks up at me with a cheeky grin and then does the goofiest wink. His twin George smirking and chuckling next to him. I couldn't help but get butterflies...


I couldn't help but actually feel a bit gutted that Harry wouldn't speak to me. Like I really don't get what I did wrong? Like did I really upset him that much? I didn't hang around with the trio as much due to the situation, plus Ron never really liked me in the first place...

I started walking to my next lesson when I heard Hermione.

"Y/N!" She yells out of breath a little.

"Hey Mione" I smile at her, it was nice to finally be able to talk to her without being judged. It was just effort to deal with. If Harry wants to act that way then you know what I can act like that too. I ain't taking no ones shit.

"Y/n I think you need to speak to Harry... he hasn't been himself recently" she says quite sadly, almost like she was hurting. But I just don't get it, like I haven't known them for that long, he couldn't possibly have gotten jealous of Draco could he?

"I've tried Mione, he won't listen to me" I say in frustration. Hermione gives a sad look but it also had a slight hint of losing hope. But maybe this was the chance for me to fix it and become closer with Harry so I can find out more about what he knows...

"Screw it! I'll make him listen to me" I snap and leave her standing there shocked. No way was I going to blow everything up for this... I make my way to the great hall where I notice Ron sitting next to Harry..

"Harry Y/n is coming over" I heard him whisper, Ron was also not a very good whisperer. I could hear him from the other side of the hall that's how loud he can be.

"Harry" I freak out a little as I have no idea what to say... he doesn't even look at me. Oh god I'm going to regret this...

"Harry I want to be yours" I finally let out. He slowly turns his head so he faces me.

"W-what?" He stutters a little.

"I like you Harry" I say hoping this will fix everything, but a part of me feels guilty.. I'm just glad I didn't say love. I look to notice Fred sitting a bit down and there was a slight bit of annoyance but mainly a gutted look on his face. He looks back at George and continues messing around.

"I like you too" he lets off a small gentle smile, however Ron's face was a whole other story... disappointment.. almost rage.. filled his eyes.

"Good" I say awkwardly and turn to walk out, I stop in my tracks when I notice Draco stood there with a really hurtful look on his face...

The eye contact was intense. His eyes full of hurt. How did I get myself into this position? I'll never know... all I had to do was come here and find information, now look at me... after what felt like forever Draco started backing away and swiftly exited the hall. I didn't mean to hurt him, or Fred... I just have to do what's needed.. maybe eventually after this is over something could unfold, but for the time being I need to focus. I need to be selfish right now...

Fallen for a Riddle ~ A FredxDraco love storyWhere stories live. Discover now