Part 4: The Yulle Ball

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Time seemed to drag slowly for Y/n, she knew she was nervous about the ball, but still trying to show she's fearless, Hermione saw right through her. The girls sat in there dorms deciding what time was perfect to get ready.

Y/n has never experienced anything like this, all she had experienced was staying quiet in her room while her father had important meetings downstairs. She really wondered who would want to go with someone like her, but most importantly she wondered who was going with who.

"Y/n come on we should probably start getting ready" Hermione states walking to her desk to grab her makeup.

"Uhh, Hermione... I've never actually-"

"Don't tell me you've never done proper makeup? Like for a ball?" She cuts Y/n off questioning with a disgusted look.

"Uhm no... I've never had to, I usually only add concealer" Hermione giggles at her.

"It's okay I'll do it" she gives her a soft smile making Y/N's body relax a little.

Hermione starts off with her own hair and makeup, applying a light colour eyeshadow and a natural nude lipstick. Her hair curled and put up into almost half up half down style.

"Your turn Y/n!" Hermione says excitedly. Y/n tries hiding how unexcited she was by flashing a smile and sitting down in front of the almost ready girl.

She loose curls her hair and pins two strands to the back with a beautiful flower piece accessory. When it comes to her makeup she decides to make the eyeshadow and darkish colour to match her dress and shoes. Hermione has chose an intense dark look for riddle, to show her personality.

The girls had finally finished their antics and now it was time to finally try on their beautiful dresses. Hermione wore a light pink dress, bottom half was frilled. Y/n had a beautiful black dress that flowed down, it had black flower patters on round the waist area also flowing down, with black and gold suede heels.

"Y/n you look beautiful!" Hermione exclaims. Y/n admired the beauty in the mirror.

"Let's go we don't want to be late..." Hermione grabs Y/N's hand leading her out the dorm towards the great hall.


We had reached the top of the stairs that lead down to the great hall. I watched all the students with their dates. But I couldn't find mine. Where is he? I couldn't spot Harry anywhere...

"So Y/n, where's your date?" I look down to see Malfoy walking closer to the bottom of the stairs, laughing after asking. Did he think it was funny?

"Shut up Malfoy" I spit back at him. I decided to just start walking to the great hall, I couldn't wait all day for Potter. Omg why do I even care about it anyway? I thought to myself walking down each step slowly.

"Omg she looks beautiful" I heard a distanced voice comment.

"Wow Y/n you look amazing" I see Harry turn to look at me. Where did he even come from?

"Thank you Harry!" I blush hard, I can't control my cheeks turning a pinky colour.

I look up to see Draco have a confused but also a slight bit of anger on his face. I wonder why? What is getting under his skin? All these thoughts took my attention away from what was going on around me.

"Y/n you ready?" Harry holds out his arm

"Of course" I give him a little smile, intertwining my arm with his. I look back to see Draco's jaw clenched watching Harry and I walk towards the hall.

"Harry!" Professor McGonagall stops us in our tracks.

"Hello Professor" Harry replies in a questionable tone.

Fallen for a Riddle ~ A FredxDraco love storyWhere stories live. Discover now