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A/N: I never knew how to start this chapter, but it came to me last night. I figured I'd better wrap this story up. I'll have to go back in and add pictures later. I just don't have the ability to right now.

If you have an idea for another story, let me know. I have been tossing around ideas for Jiho and Dongwook for a while, but nothing has really stuck. 


"Do I really have to do this?" 

Hyeri popped out from behind her sister and tugged gently on her hair. "Yes, you do. If we want him to come close to you, you have to look exactly like me. You already have the face, but now you need the hair and clothes."

Rowoon sighed and allowed her sister to continue curling her hair. Do Eul had contacted Hyeri's ex. He was back in the country and had just been given leave for several weeks. Do Eul had asked if he'd like to meet up for drinks with him and his sister. From what they had been told, he had jumped at the chance. 

So the youngest Park had come up with a plan. He and Rowoon would meet the other guy at the coffee shop so he could see the damage he had done. Hyeri and Seonghwa would show up and prove the one he had attacked wasn't Hyeri but her twin. He would hopefully be arrested. If that wasn't the case, Seonghwa had already contacted his commanding officer with the information. He was looking at dishonorable discharge if proven true. 

Rowoon had been against the situation in the first place because she hadn't wanted anyone getting hurt. If she remembered Hyeri's ex correctly, he had a nasty temper. It was what had broken them up in the first place. Now he was trained with the Korean military. It meant he was worse than before. She could handle being hurt, but if someone around her got hurt, she wasn't sure she could handle it. 

Hyeri slapped some makeup on her, careful around her face. In that moment, Hyeri and Rowoon looked exactly alike for the first time since they had been thirteen. Sanna had made them dress alike up until they had entered middle school. They looked alike wearing their uniforms, but they had been able to express themselves with hairstyles and makeup. Hyeri had always pushed the boundaries, but Rowoon had kept hers long and pulled up due to playing sports.

The skirt she had chosen for Rowoon was shorter than she normally would wear so she had worn black safety shorts under it. Her top was form fitting but the sweater over it was looser. Her knee high socks matched the color of the skirt and the black boots her sister had brought matched perfectly. 

Hyeri - finally happy with her product - made a noise of acceptance then spun her sister around. They looked at each other. The older twin held the younger's gaze steadily. Rowoon had always been the steady, solid twin while Hyeri had done things to figure out who she was meant to be. Even now, she couldn't figure out what kind of clothes to design. 

"I'm sorry," Hyeri muttered. "I knew he was crazy, but I never expected him to do anything like this."

"He never met me. Those who know you barely know you have an identical twin. They know you have a sister, but not a twin. So he wouldn't know you from me and me from you. It's an easy mistake, but the way he went about it is against the law," Rowoon replied. 

"You've always been so good-natured and forgiving. I've always envied that about you."

"I'm not anywhere close to those things, so don't envy me too much." She stood. "Let's get this over with."

No one was home so it made it easier for them to leave the house. Seonghwa had insisted they leave in separate cars. He didn't want anyone to see them and give away anything. The other guys had been ordered to stay away for the time being. It had been hell on Jiho and Hyuk, but somehow Dongwook had forced them to stay at the office. 

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