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"Hey, Dad. Can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course, sit down, Bud. What’s on your mind?"

"This helping with the car thing. It's really hard work."

"You had to know it wouldn't be easy."

"Yeah, but, it's harder than I thought it would be. It's also not my car.

All this hard work, for free. Then never even get to drive it."

"The benefit of work, isn't always money. The time is worth the experience. It’s worth the friendship. Let’s say Don wins the race coming up. You could get a job working on cars out of it.”

“Yeah. I guess your right.”

“Dont’ give up yet, Bud. Most people give up only steps away from victory.”

“Thanks, Dad. I guess I'll keep helping with the car.”

“I think that’s a wise choice, Bud and you’re welcome.”

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