
97 5 1

word Count: 3933


Her finger lightly tapped the glass before her, (e/c) eyes gleaming with adoration as she stared down at the small creature protected within the thick, see-through container.

She beamed at its joyous little dance, something she found absolutely precious.

"Adorable..." she said softly, fully enamored by its cute little mannerisms, until a low chuckle brought her attention back to the man also there with them.

"I'm right here too..." Sam voiced out while raising his hand up in a halfhearted manner.

" Sorry," she said, still bent slightly down to face the B.B. "You're adorable too," she said in a teasing manner.

Giggling she looked at him briefly, seeing him roll his eyes at her.

" Oh, come on now...Don't tell me you're jealous..." she said playfully, a small, quirky smile directed at him as she peeked up with the cute upturn, wanting to know what the male would answer back with.

With the same sentiment, he shot her a grin back, being just as bashful in doing so, the words instantly spewing without a second thought, "I did come all this way to see you," he replied back to her making her eyes open more in surprise before they fell back down to the B.B.

"You did...didn't you?" she answered back, trying to play cool, pretending she wasn't affected by the reply, but really, she felt butterflies play within her stomach.

Silence followed afterward, both adults not knowing what to answer with, what to follow up with.

A small pause settled between them, and though they both felt uncertain about their next moves, it wasn't an uncomfortable moment to settle with.

If anything, it felt natural.

While she occupied herself with the little being, the Porter stood watching, content.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, ' wouldn't hurt,' she reasoned, knowing she'd been wanting to ask him something important.

And if not now, when?

She took a steady breath before speaking, hoping not to stumble, " You know..." she started, peering her eyes up to the porter again, her attention derived from the curious, dark eyes silently staring at her with wonder. "You know... I set up a room for you," She informed him, and as she said so a precious, little gurgle came from the BB, almost as if to remind her that it was present as well.

It was someone too...

"Oops... " (f/n) said with a chuckle, her shoulders shaking as she showed her amusement, "I've set up the room for the both of you," she corrected herself with merriment while poking the glass one more time. And she knew that If there hadn't existed a barrier between them, she would have certainly poked the small child on the tip of it's little, button nose.

"Anyways..." she continued on, her voice mellowing again, attention back to the man while straightening herself out to face him, " You're welcome to stay," she said with her face glowing with pink, a perfect little color to match the little wildflowers he often came across from time to time.

He'd pick them every so often, twisting the stems with his index and thumb, his mind instantly drawn to her and the little color that would glow over her face.

In fact, any time he had to truly muse over his surroundings, he found something that brought him back to her.

Sometimes it was little flowers to match the color of her glowing cheeks, which would also occasionally compare to the hue of her natural lips that curved so beautifully when she smiled.

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