Open Heart

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He's going by an alias, obviously and I thought I'd do a play of his alias as well.

Little Fact: The name (alias) "Peter Englert" is a combination of the names of theoretical physicists Peter Higgs and François Englert, who together won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the Higgs mechanism.

So Higgs Peters? Just for the sake of keeping his first name.

Open Heart

She placed a small mug before him, the sweet scent of warm tea gently wafting into his nose as it sat on the surface of the small table. With a small, placid smile he accepted the generous offer, tentatively placing his hand onto the warm cup, watching her sit before him, an identical mug in her hand as she took her place.

" So..." He sounded out, "You're here by yourself, correct?" he asked her, already knowing the answer, but just making conversation with her.

He just loved the sound of her voice, and he wanted to hear it sound forever, furthermore, he absolutely lived for their little moment together, willing to stretch out the vicious storm for weeks if it was necessary, all to have the fortune of seeing her every day.

'If I could spend everyday with you like this...just you and me...I wouldn't miss a beat.

I wouldn't hesitate to take the chance, '

"Oh yeah," (f/n) replied nodding before taking a small sip, an almost unnoticeable smile overtaking her as she got a taste of her beverage.

"It Get's lonely, huh?" he said while offering her kind blue eyes, truly feeling sorry for her, because he just knew what it felt like to be disconnected, all in all, he knew what lonely silence was like.

She chuckled wearily before giving him another nod, " Yeah," She breathed. "It does...but..." She then said, raising her eyes to him, looking certain, " I've gotten used to it," She mused, "Well, at least that's what I keep telling myself," She added with a halfhearted, little chuckle.

" The thing is though, It's been raining so much..." she sighed, notably disheartened, " I don't know what's going on, but it seems like there is this dark cloud looming over me," she admitted, having seen such little sunshine she felt as though she was an unfortunate, little bloom, slowly wilting while left in the darkness.

"If anything this awful weather is what's making things unbearable," She added with falling shoulders.

Occasionally she'd step out and enjoy the sunlight, but within the last few weeks, it hadn't been something she had the fortune of enjoying, instead being stuck within the underground home, held hostage within the place she should feel her safest.

"I have noticed that things around here have gotten pretty hectic," he commented, "Have you been getting supplies?" he asked her, receiving a declining nod,

"No, and truth be told, I'm starting to grow really anxious about it." She responded back, " But as I said, it's been hell around here." She said with understanding, knowing just why no one else had bothered to come through,

She took a small moment to clear her throat before she seemed to lift in spirits, but only by a tad bit as she continued, "As I mentioned before, You're actually the first person to actually make it up here in a long...long time," She admitted, offering him a sweet smile, a little shine to her eyes that made him melt and want to reach out for her.

She seemed to glow, her appreciation seeping through, overruling both her great concern and her lonesome sadness altogether, "And you have no idea how much I appreciate it," She added.

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