Chapter 1:

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As the last bell of  Ketsubutsu Academy High School rang symbolizing the end of the school year, a young woman exited the school, reaching her hands above her head and stretching until she heard a pop in her lower back.

She wore a simple black sleeveless shirt that fitted her nicely that so had a high collar with two orange  buttons. She wore a green and orange stripped shorts that resembled that of a clown.

Around her waist was a black corset-like design with had a few smiley faces pins attached to it, orange gloves with a silver disks to reinforce her wrists, and on her head was a orange bandana. Her sea green hair blew in the slight breeze.

The waved at the students who ran pass to start their break, then began walking towards the city. She hopped on the closest bus and traveled to the police station. As she had received a summons earlier in the day.

Entering the busy building she had to stifle a laugh on how the bustling cops running to and fro looked like bees in a hive.

"Ugh, of course you were called." A gruff voice came from behind her, she whirled to see a rather disheveled man walking toward her. He had long shaggy black hair, framing a exhausted face. It looked like he hadn't shaved in weeks, and his eyes were dark with lack of sleep, a small scar under his right eye.

He wore all black. A black long sleeve shirt that had rips in the seams on the wrists of the shirt, and black cargo pants. A grey and black utility belt wrapped around his waist. A off white scarf wrapped loosely around his neck.

Normally, she would have said something along the lines of 'Is that any way to talk to your future wife' but, she opted to say, "Is that anyway to talk to an old friend, Aizawa?"

She saw a look of surprise catch his face, but he recovered so quickly she doubted it was even there, "We're not friends."

She let out a laugh, trying to hide the pain of his comment, "Always quick to retort."

No. She had to stop chasing him. He had made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with her so she moved on, she had a boyfriend, she was happy. Right?

"Let's get this over with." He muttered as he pushed past her toward the meeting room, she followed the man, trying to push down her thoughts on him.

As they reached the room the door flew open causing Emi to jump back before laughing at the scare. Aizawa rolled his eyes as she laughed.

"Seriously, how are you a pro." It wasn't a question. And that statement silenced her laughter. She straightened as the Chief of police, an tall burly man with the head and face of a dog.

"Chief." Aizawa said gruffly. As the chief looked down at them.

"Ah, Eraser, Ms. Joke, thank you for coming on such short notice. Please come in." He opened the door and Emi slipped by hurrying so she could be in front.

"Haha! I win Eraser!" She whispered over her shoulder at the grumpy man. He scowled and said something along the line as 'grow up' before he followed her. Once they were all in the room and took their seats, Emi deliberately sitting away from Aizawa so she wouldn't tempt herself.

Something Aizawa notice but didn't say anything about, relishing in the fact of peace. The chief walked to the board as one of his associates turned on a projector.

"Let's get this underway. We have recently gained information on a new group in the city who are the suspects of mass genocide in one of the lower districts. Have either of you heard of the wear house slaughter? These are the culprits behind the attack."

The screen showed two men, each in their thirties, one had bright blonde hair, that stuck up all over the place, the other shabby brown hair with a long scar across his whole face.

"Shibaki, and Juri Akedo. You have the files on them in front of you. It is imperative that we capture these fiends and show them the extent of the law. With the League of Villains slowly diminishing the trust of the the people in us, we need you two to restore faith in hero's again."

Emi looked at the rap sheet of the criminals, several accounts of aggravated assault and robbery, countless murders, and more. This had to be like three pages long.

She looked over at Eraser, and saw him looking through each page, he looked at her and she snapped her attention to the Chief you began talking again.

I must be strong, she thought.

"These suspects are extremely dangerous, which is why we need you to assist us in their arrest, however do not encounter them alone. If you do, do not engage, wait for back up. Will you accept?"

A silence passed before Aizawa stood and nodded, Emi quickly stood and smiled as she said, "Of course!"

"Thank you. You are dismissed." He turned back to his colleague and began talking as Emi and Aizawa left.

By in the main lobby Emi pulled out her phone as it vibrated.

Kaito Suiiki.

Her boyfriend.

She felt her face fall but quickly put on her smile as she answered the call.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked feeling her voice shake slightly. Aizawa turned away from the woman but could still hear the conversation, but he had no where else to go as the station was packed.

"Don't give me that shit. Where are you? You were suppose to be here thirty minutes ago." A voice snapped from the other line.

"Kaito, please I got called to the station. I'm on a new case starting tomorrow." Emi murmured into the line.

"Oh? And they thought someone like you could serve them, what are you going to do make them laugh into custody?" The voice, Kaito, mimicking the woman.

"Babe, please that's not fair." Emi said her voice dropping, and tone sounding....defeated.

Aizawa glanced up at the last sentence. Babe? Did he hear right? Was this man on the other end really Joke's significant other?

"Look, you know what just get home, we'll discuss this later." Then the line clicked.

Emi, fighting back tears and quickly putting the smile back on her face, she turned to Aizawa.

"Well guess that my cue!" She tried to sound energetic. Turning to leave when a strong rough hand clasped on her wrist.


She immediately flinched and pulled her hand away, her masked cracked then she ran.

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