Chapter 6

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After they cleaned themselves, they set on cleaning the kitchen, and after the put a show on for Eri, giving her activities to keep her occupied before they went up stairs the monitor the wear house.

Emi glanced at Aizawa as he focused on the 'target' and she wrote what he told her to on a black notebook, she sketched out the out terrier of the building, and did rough sketches of the people they would occasionally saw.

They wrote times and how many people entered and exited. Occasionally one would enter but wouldn't come out. Something they made sure to note.

"Hey, Aizawa. I just thought of something." Emi thought as she paused writing the notes on the building itself.

He looked at her and she continued, "I think there's a tunnel underground. That's why they aren't coming out."

"Oh? How do you guess?" He said fixing his attention on the building. But she knew he wanted her to continue, she did so, "In this house Eri and I found a hidden room, and it went pretty far down, I thing that there may be an underground labyrinth beneath the wear house."

That would mean that..." He began as he processed what she said. She nodded, "Yes, we need to somehow get closer."

Aizawa ended up going, mainly cause he was better suited for the recon mission, you know since he mostly operated in the shadows and isn't as well known. Or as bright in his costume.

He crept across the field and crouched in the brush near the fence-line of the property, he listened as Emi began talking to him over the ear price she had made him wear.

He smiled softly at the thought, remembering the woman shove the tiny instrument into his hand and hissed that if he didn't wear it she'd go with him.

"Ok Eraser, do you see the tower with the search light?" She asked her tone serious and he glance around until he located the tall dark tower that emanated a bright white light.

"Yeah I see it." He murmured, fixing the yellow goggles on his eyes.

"Me too." And a fit of laughter squealed over the intercom. He hissed in protest as his ear gave a slight ring at the shock.


"Ha, ok seriously, the beam is rotating counter clockwise, and it sweeps in a rapid recession leaving about a three second interval before it rotates the next spot. Not only that but there are guards. All positioned at each entrance." She relayed, and she sighed.

"You know, I highly doubt there's room to move around the bottom, if Hawks were here, he'd take the 'high road' sort of speak and just go through the air vents."

Aizawa felt something akin to anger as the woman talked about Hawks. He could tell she had admiration for her fellow hero, but something just made him angry at the other man.

"Joke, your a genius!" He suddenly said, pushing his anger down, focusing on what the woman had actually said. The air vents.

"I am?"

"Yes, if we can't make it through the lower defenses we just need to go above them." The man searched for an area that wasn't under surveillance, and found a small blind spot in the security. He acted without waiting for Joke's answer.

Using his scarf, he quickly scaled the wall, crouching as he looked over the roof.

"Ok, I'm headed in the building, I'm going to plant the devices in the air ducts. That way we can hear the conversations." He murmured into the ear piece. And he moved slowly to the vent and opened it, lowering himself down in the process.

He moved carefully and quietly through the vent and he planted the devices in the most optimal vantage points and quickly made his way back, before he froze.

From the vent nearest him a door slammed, and what sounded like six men walked in. He remained completely still.

Then the men began to speak.

"Look, we need to start being more careful, a family just moved in across the field. I don't want them nosing their way around and find something, so from now on kill the lights. Activate motion sensors, what ever." Man number one said sternly. A chorus of 'yes sir'.

Then man number two spoke his voice deep and scratchy, "Has boss called in with the plan?"

Man one spoke with a hard edge, "He got held up."

They began speaking voices overlapping and Aizawa inches further away slowly but surely, until he had made it to the roof. Checking below him he vaulted towards the brush at breakneck speed.

He barreled through the field and rushed into the house, "They have a boss!" He said as he skidded into the dining room, Joke made eye contact and nodded, this was a lead.

While Joke rapidly typing a message to the chief, relaying the information, Aizawa began to think, the goons had said something about the boss being held up, for some reason it set him off and he began thinking.

When he arrived at the station a couple days ago, the officers were being dispatched, could that have been the hold up? But they're was also a fight that morning in the streets before school.

He felt that he shouldn't tell Emi his thoughts so that she didn't lose the smile that had graced her lips, but he felt very anxious about the whole thing.

"Hey, I'm going to make a call. Tell me what the Chief says, and check on Eri would take?" With that he headed towards the kitchen doors and made his way up the dark stairs. His thoughts getting more pushy and frantic in his head.

Emi had said earlier that she had gotten all those bruises from her boyfriend, but the way they lay across her skin seemed calculated, controlled. The way she had described the man, didn't match up with the way he acted.

He had been told that the boyfriend was a tall good-looking guy, that he was so gentle and kind until she made a wrong move or said the wrong thing. But the way he had heard the boyfriend talk (at the station when they first got briefed) he sounded anything but.

The other man had gotten angry when he heard she had taken a new case, and surely he had heard the station in the back round... no this is all just speculation.

He reached his room and pushed the door open, took out his phone and made a call to another person that annoyed the shit out of him, hoping to get a few answers.

"Yellllllllooo!" A rather loud and obnoxious voice basically boomed from the other end.

"Yeah Mic, it's me. Hey can you tell me more about the Fight earlier this morning?"

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