Chapter 2:

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Emi took another bus towards her apartment. When she got off, she waved as the bus left. Turning to the rundown apartment complex she made her way towards the stairs.

On the second floor she turned the key in the lock of room 7B. As she entered a vase crashed on the wall by her head.

"Oh thanks for showing up Ms. Joke." He said mockingly. Emi nearly screamed when another vase hit the wall by her head.

"Scared of a little water?" He said snuggly, "How are you going to save the world of these evil people if you can't handle some water?"

She felt tears stream down her face, "Please stop."

He threw his head back and laughed. Then he turned and went into the other room. She fell to the floor and began to cry.

She lay there until the tears stopped before she got up and shaking and made her way to the small kitchen. She began cooking dinner, trying to rebuild her mask.
The next morning Emi got up off the couch and dressed in her uniform in the extra bathroom, before sneaking out of the room and began to head to work.

Something hard slammed into her side though. She let out a cry. Above her Kaito stood a bat in hand, fury lodged in his eyes.

"I didn't say you could leave yet." He hissed as the bat fell on her other side. She cried out again pain flurrying to each spot the bat came in contact with.

"Don't worry I know the rules, only where people can't see." He laughed as he continued.

Emi cried and cried until it ended where she got up slowly and made her way to the door.

"Oh and you better be home at nine, or we go again." He turned and returned to the bedroom. Emi hiccuped and coughed, when she had met him, he was so nice.

He had shaggy brown hair, and deep sunken eyes and a chiseled face and he wore a green jacket with dark jeans. Yet when they started dating he changed. Became more violent, beat her when something would go wrong, the only good part about him was that he never wanted her, or what she could give, and to her that was a relief.

She didn't want to be intimate with someone like that. She never wanted to be in this situation in general, but he convinced her that she deserved it.

She walked down the corridor and ran into an old woman who looked at her with pity.

She cried as the old woman embraced her carefully. Fuji Motto, was he neighbor and she always heard everything. Emi however made her promise not to call the police as it would only make him more angry.

So the old woman provided support for the abused woman.

"Emi, please end this. If you won't call the police, kick him out." Fuji said as she tenderly hugged the other woman.

"And have him do this to another poor girl?" Emi whispered. The old woman sighed.

"Why are you a hero? Your to kind for this world. Letting this be done to you for the sake of others." She asked carefully tightening the hug.

Emi smiled, a real genuine smile, "I won't let another girl go through this as much as I can."

The woman walked Emi down to the bus stop. Then she returned to her apartment. Not before leave I g a few kind words.

"My door is always open to you, should you reach for me I will call the police as I know it may be serious when you reach for me."
Once getting to the station, Emi walked in slowly trying to ignore the pain. As she entered the conference room her eyes made contact with Aizawa.

He looked at her eyes narrowed.

"Eraser! Don't look at me like that your eyes may stay there!" She said taking a seat slowly. He growled and looked away. She laughed, but abruptly stopped the pain flaring in her mid section.

"Alright, again thank you for your cooperation hero's. Now let's get on with how we are going through with this. We plan on operating in a few ways. We are sending undercover cops to infiltrate the gang the perps are attempting to create. While you two will be in a steak out." The chief began.

"There base is in an abandoned warehousenext to a rural neighborhood. The closet house is a few paces from the warehouse, the length of a street. You two will watch the ware house and complete farm work as part of your cover as couple that just moved in."

Emi's heart froze.

"Sir is this being set up tonight?" She asked voice shaking.

"Yes in a few hours you two will move in to establish a rouse."

Emi's heart soared she won't have to go home. She let out a sigh then nodded. "Thank you sir."

Aizawa glanced at the woman who looked almost relieved. Then he remembered.

"Sir. Eri. I am her guardian as I'm the only one who can control her quirk if it goes wolf again. May I bring her with me? I will keep her safe, I just can't leave her." Aizawa said bowing his head.

"Yes, bring your charge, it'll help with your cover, just make sure you prioritize her safety." The chief said. Aizawa nodded.

As the meeting continued, Aizawa noticed Emi relaxed, although she aeamed to flinch at her own sudden movements.

"After I release you please take time to gather your belongings, then meet here, as we will provide a car." The two hero's nodded. As they left, a small hand wrapped around Aizawa's arm.

He turned to Emi, slightly confused.

"Please, drive me to my apartment?" She asked nervously, the way she asked caused him to pause his normal denial.

"Why?" He chose instead. He watched the woman flinch slightly as he pulled his arm away from her. Suddenly her phone went off.

"H-hey!" She started, as an angry voice, one he had heard yesterday, all but shouted back at her.

"What the hell Fukukado! Why did one of the neighbors knock on the door this morning?" He savagely screamed at Emi.

Aizawa felt anger rise up in him as the man continued.

"You better not have talked him in the hall. You know what happens in this room stays in this room or do you need a reminder?" Aizawa watched as Emi slid an arm around her stomach.

"No. I have something I need to tell you." She said softly. All hints of her smile was gone. She told the man that she was going away for a few weeks.

The guy answered by hanging up the phone.

Emi turned to Aizawa. "Sorry for bothering you, I'll be okay, I'll see you I. An hour or two."

Then she left.

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