𝖣𝖾𝖼 4: 𝖳𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖾.

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Casey shivered.

"Why do we do this?" She whined.

Her breath was visible.

It rarely became cold where she lived so she was amused.

She rubbed her gloved hands together.

"Mum!" She said.

Her mother looked up from her digging in the snow.

Her little sister's curious little eyes peeked out from the blanket and cute coat.

"I know we do this every year, but little Titainia can't handle the cold." She whispered.

Her mother laughed.

A pleasant bell ringing of laughter that always made Casey laugh when she heard it even when she was mad at her mother.

Tina giggled too, an adorable baby laugh.

She found herself joining in.

"Sweetheart, you remember when I did this with you? I have to make her have memories if this before she grows up and decides she's too cool for her mother!" She grinned.

Casey was proud that she shared her mother's smile.

"But I'm not like that." She said indignantly.

Her mother smiled again.

"I'm proud of that."

They grinned at eachother.

Casey grabbed the shovel.

She blew all the snow out of the way.

She was proud of her strength until she heard a laugh behind her.

Her father had his wand out and immediately ducked behind a tree.

"Dad! I thought I did it!" She said.

Her father smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry darling." He said, giving her a hug.

"Can I learn magic?" She asked.

Her Father shook his head, not wanting to repeat himself for the fifth time in a day.

"You know you can't. You have to wait till you get to Hogwarts."

"But dad..." She whined.

Three year old Tina threw her arms around her father.

"Daddy!" She squeaked.

Mr Sallow twirled his youngest daughter around.

"Hi pumpkin!" He greeted with a broad smile.

"Dad!" She squealed.

Casey stood there, jealous and sad that she was too heavy to be picked up like that.

Her mother noticed.

She scooped her up as if she was weightless.

"Honey, help me dig!" She said, kissing her husband on the cheek.

He grinned and nodded.

"Case, pass me that huge shovel there!"

She handed her dad the shovel and he got to work.

Tina whined, uncomfortable.

He got his wand out and magicked the dirt and snow into a pile to the side.

"Arthur!" Mrs Sallow exclaimed.

"Sorry, Tina was getting impatient!" He laughed.

While their mother berated their father, the eight year old and three year old got the beautiful wooden box from the hole.

"Big sis, it's so pretty!" Tina exclaimed, looking up adoringly at her older sister.

"It is, lil sis." She said softly, half happy she could share this with someone.

Their mother gave them a key each.

Their blood parents sat down on the now cleared and wet grass, watching their daughters unlock the box.

Casey held her sister's tiny hand.

They turned their keys at the same time.

A loud click came from the box.

They lifted their separate lids.

Casey let out a delighted sqeak.

It was a beautiful set of plates, cups and saucers with matching cutlery.

There was a gorgeous mini bag with a matching keychain attached.

The keychain was diamond, her birthstone as she was born in April.

Tina let out a similar squeal.

There was an embroidered book with a matching jewelled pen and matching keychain.

It also had a pretty little plant pot with an unusual marking on it. 

"Thank you Mummy and Daddy!" Tina said, giving them a goofy and overenthusiastic smile, cradling her treasure.

"Thank you Mum and Dad!" Casey yelled, putting all of the items in the beautiful bag she received.

"Your welcome." Their beaming parents said in unison.

"I added unbreakable spells to all of your gifts." Their blood father beamed.

The sisters looked at eachother, pure glee in their expressions.

Their Christmas was bliss.

Signing off, Rose.

((643 words.))

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