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You gasped as you woke up in a cold sweat, sitting up and looking around nervously, wondering how you got here. 

You were laying on a bed of dried grass in a dark cave that seemed to be something like a storage room. 

The air was cold and dry, your throat and lips were just as dry, you were parched. 

Before you could get up, a beautiful woman walked into the room with a candle, a plate, and a cup of water, walking over to you with a stern look on her face.

"Control your water child, you won't live long out here if you can't even do that." she said, placing the plate on your lap and holding the cup out to you, which you gladly took.

"Control... my water?" you asked after a long sip of water, not sure what she meant.

"Your sweat. It's a waste of your water, especially out here in the desert where water is worth its weight in gold." she replied, and you were only more confused by her words.

"But... I can't control it?" you asked again, still confused by her words.

She sighed and shook her head. "Looks like you have a lot to learn. What is your name, child?"

"y/n..." you replied.

"How old are you?"

"Five." you replied again.

"How did you get here?"

"I don't remember..."

"Very well then y/n, my name is Kushana, but you may call me what you like. If you want to live out here, you will follow my orders, and I will train you until you can live on your own. Do you understand?"

You nodded, before asking another question.

"Can I call you 'Mom'?"

"I take back my words, you may call me anything but 'Mom'."


Twenty years later....


You smiled as you recalled your first meeting with your master, the one who taught you everything you knew.

You were sitting on the floor of the cold, dimly lit room where you were waiting for the Hunter exam to begin.

It was humid down here, something new to you. In fact, nearly everything on your way here had been new to you, this was the first time you had left the desert since you mysteriously woke up there that one, fateful night.

There was water just about everywhere you went, and there were many crowded cities that you had to pass through to get here. You had only ever known the deep desert where the only people you interacted with were your master and the occasional merchant caravans passing through.

Your attention was brought elsewhere when you heard a man scream. You looked up at him, seeing his arms being turned into petals, and your eyes lit up with excitement.

I've never seen anything like that before...

You noticed another man next to him, who had pink hair, and his bloodlust made your body tingle with excitement. Kushana had always warned you to stay away from danger, but you couldn't help but let it excite you.

"Oh, how peculiar... his arms seem to have become flower petals," the man with pink hair said.

"No smoke and mirrors here. Do take care. When you bump into someone, you really should apologize." the man finished, and you just couldn't stop smiling.

That's kinda hot.

"That psychopath is back again." you heard someone say to your right, and you moved closer to hear what else he had to say about the pink-haired man.

You learned that his name was Hisoka, and you heard about what he did during the last Hunter exam.

"Anyway, no one likes him," the man finished, and you laughed a little.

Now that's not true, I like him.

The man handed drinks to the three boys who he was talking to.

What a kind man~ you thought. In the desert, offering someone a drink was the one of the highest ways to show respect to someone.

Before you knew it, the smallest of the three spat out the juice, and you were in disbelief.

How disrespectful...

You glared at him, unable to hold back the bloodlust that you were emitting.

You noticed Hisoka turning to look at you, a smile on his face. You look up at him to meet his eyes and smile back, putting your feelings in check as you looked back down at the boy.

"Tonpa-san, this juice must have expired. It tastes funny." he said, and you sighed as one of the other two boys spat the juice out too, the third one pouring it out of the can and onto the floor.

The boys finished their conversation with the man named Tonpa, and he apologized and walked away.

You kneeled down to the floor, and used your power to gather all of the juice that was spilled into a ball floating on top of your hand.

"Now now boys, you shouldn't waste water." you said as you separated the components of the juice and turned it into pure water, the dried up sugar and other components falling down into your hand while the boys watched in amazement.

"Did you know that the average human can survive at least 30 days without food, but no more than 3 without water?" you asked as you put the water in the water skin at your hip.

"Awesome!!" the youngest boy said as he watched you do so, completely ignoring your question.

"My name is Gon, this is Kurapika, and this is Leorio." he said as he gestured towards the two older boys behind him.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm y/n," you say with a smile, and they smile back at you before going back to conversing amongst themselves.

Suddenly, you feel something approaching you rapidly, and you reach your hand up to catch it just in time, the razor sharp edge nicking your finger slightly. It was a playing card, a queen of hearts to be specific, except it was no longer sharp, it was just a normal card now.

You looked towards the direction where it came from to see Hisoka shuffling a deck of cards while facing away from you.

You smiled even more as you condensed the water in the air around the card and froze it, throwing it right back at him. 

He caught it without looking and you could see him smiling in the icy reflection on the card.


and that's the end of chapter one!!

ik there's not much interaction with hisoka rn but it'll build up i promise hehe

how did y'all like it?

please vote and comment and let me know how i can improve!!

also any title ideas are greatly welcomed!!!!

love y'all!


     zo <3

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