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The next morning, you arrived at the location of the fifth and final phase of the exam, where you learned you would be having one on one battles with the other applicants. When the chairman revealed the bracket, you realized that you would have to fight the loser of Gon and Hanzo's fight, and while you knew Gon was strong, you were pretty sure Hanzo was stronger. You were not looking forward to the fight that followed, you really didn't want to fight Gon.

As their fight began, you could tell that Gon was feeling somewhat confident, but that didn't last for long. Before you knew it, he was getting beaten around like a rag doll. You winced at each hit, and anger was building up inside you as you watched. You wanted to step in and stop Hanzo, but you knew you couldn't. At this rate, you weren't sure if Gon would be able to keep going.

The fight went on for hours, and with every blow, you hoped more and more that Gon would just surrender, but you knew he wouldn't. You could feel how enraged Kurapika and Leorio were, and you were the same as them.

You had never seen anyone you cared about get hurt like this before. Before the exam, the only person you had cared about was your master, and she was the strongest person you knew, you had never seen anyone land a single blow on her.

After Hanzo started explaining his training and stuff, Gon finally managed to land a kick on him, and you felt relieved when you noticed he was back to his usual self. However, after that, Hanzo pulled out a blade and threatened to cut Gon's legs off if he didn't surrender, and you were starting to get anxious for him.

"I don't want my legs cut off, but I don't want to surrender. So let's find a different way to fight!" he said, and suddenly the tension in the room had lifted. Everyone was laughing now, and you were a little less worried for him.

Eventually, Hanzo knocked Gon out and surrendered. Killua seemed tense for some reason, but you were too worried about Gon to pay much attention to it. You sighed as you watched Gon get carried away to get treated, relieved that it was over, but still on edge.

Hisoka and Kurapika's fight didn't last for too long, nor did anything very exciting happen while they were fighting. You were a little jealous of Kurapika, but at the same time you couldn't help but admire Hisoka's fighting form. You were a little confused about your feelings towards him. Originally, you thought the excitement you felt around him was because you wanted to fight him, but now you weren't so sure.

You were a little confused when Hisoka surrendered, but you didn't question it much as you took him to be the kind of person who did things unexpectedly.

Soon, it was your turn to fight Hanzo, and you were excited to finally get to fight. You tried your best to tell yourself that you weren't upset over his fight with Gon anymore. You knew you were, but you were going to do your best to not let that get to you.

Hisoka watched with a smile as you walked out to the middle of the room for your fight. While he had interrupted what you wanted to be a fight with him because he had other things in mind, he still wanted to see your skills.

"Hey uhh, y/n, I know you're mad but please don't do that thing again..." Leorio mumbled loud enough for you to hear him. You stopped in your tracks and turned partially to face him, tilting your head in confusion.

"You know, that thing where you like, blow up the guy's brains from the inside?" he clarified before you could ask.

"Ohh, that. I won't! That would count as killing him, so I would get disqualified, wouldn't I?" you asked with a smile, to which he nodded, still seeming nervous as you continued to walk away.

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