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Not long after you got there, the second phase of the exam began, and your task was to cook a dish with pork for the judges, so you went off with Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, and Killa to catch some pigs. (a/n: i'm not gonna go into detail on this one since we all know how it works lol)

You remembered that you brought some medicinal herbs with you that also functioned as spices, so you decided to use those as seasoning for your dish. 

You kept hearing everyone failing the test because Menchi didn't like their dishes, so you were getting pretty nervous. 

After even Kurapika didn't pass, you were even more nervous, but when you presented her with your dish, you were surprised when she took a bite out of it and her eyes lit up with excitement.

"I've never had anything like this before!" she exclaimed, nearly jumping out of her seat.

"What did you use for the seasoning?" she asked excitedly.

"I used xxx and ooo!" you said, also excited since you weren't expecting this reaction from her.

"I see... those spices are only found in the deep desert so you almost never hear of them being used," she said.

"Well, it's not five star restaurant amazing, but it's something different and it's good enough for me," she said as she relaxed back into her chair.

The other examiner, Buhara, also gave his approval and you let out a relieved sigh before walking back to your station.

However, you were the only one that passed, and nearly all of the other applicants had a problem with that. 

After someone named Todo lashed out and ended up knocked out cold by Buhara, the Chairman of the Selection Committee came down from an airship and convinced Menchi to give another exam instead. 

You all got on the airship and went to Mt. Split-in-Half, where many more of the applicants were able to pass the second version of the exam - getting Spider Eagle eggs to boil and eat. (a/n: again, too lazy to go into detail bc we all know how it works lol)

At this point, you were all back on the airship, and after the chairman and his secretary explained that you would arrive at the destination for the third phase of the exam in the morning, you, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio all decided to go your separate ways.

Part of you wanted to go rest with Kurapika and Leorio, but eventually you decided to go explore the airship with Gon and Killua. Your tension was still high from the thrill of jumping off the cliff for the eggs after all.

Not long after you started walking around with the two of them, you zoned out, remembering your thrilling experience with Hisoka in the Swindler's Swamp. Before you knew it, you had lost the boys and were just walking around aimlessly by yourself.

Maybe I should go get some rest after all. You sighed and turned around, walking back to the cabin area, but on your way there, you felt a familiar sensation of someone else's bloodlust coming from down one of the halls, and you immediately knew whose it was.

You smiled and followed it, eventually reaching who you knew was going to be Hisoka, and you saw him building a house of cards with a strange smile on his face. 

You stared at him for a hot second before speaking up.

"Are you having fun with that?" you asked with a smile.

He turned to face you, that creepy smile still on his face, and you knew you should be creeped out but you couldn't help but love the way he was looking at you.

"Hmmm... maybe, but not as much fun as I could be having with you~" he replied, and you smiled even more.

You felt a shiver run down your spine, and before you knew it, you had accumulated a small ball of water at the tip of your finger and froze it, shooting it at the house of cards and knocking it over.

He turned back to his cards, which were in a messy pile on the ground, and waved his hand over them, making them disappear. He stood up and walked over to you as you leaned back against the wall behind you. 

"Would you like to try it out?" he asked as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your body closer to him.

"I most certainly would," you giggle as you push him back, turning and jumping backwards to put some distance between the two of you.

"That wasn't the kind of fun I was talking about, but this works too," he chuckled and flicked his hand to reveal his cards again, getting into a ready position.

What other kind of fun is there to be had? you wondered, but before you could come up with an answer to that question, he had already sent two cards flying toward you, and you dodged just in time.

You smiled and ran up to him, throwing punch after punch, sometimes throwing a kick in there, all of which he blocked, some effortlessly, others not so much.

Before long, you landed a hit in his gut, and in the split second that you relaxed, his arm was around you, pulling your body against his again, and this time you were caught off guard.

He laughed at your shocked face, and you couldn't help but think about how sexy his laugh was.

His free hand reached up to your face, turning it up towards his own, and you were confused.

What kind of attack is thi-

Before you knew it, his hot lips were pressed against yours in a soft kiss (at least what you thought was a kiss) and you were only in more shock than before, you had never been in a situation like this.

Master did not prepare me for this.


honestly i couldn't sleep bc i kept thinking about writing this so i did, i feel like it's a little short but then again, this is still only the beginning of the story so i don't feel that bad about it hehe

thank you again to @EyeCandyTendou for your support, it's really been motivating me to write more!

hope y'all enjoyed!!


     zo <3

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