Chapter 10: The Party begins (Part 2)

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After a warm, loud, and joyful entrance by the school hall, the tables with their names on seated Michaela and her friends. Settling down on their chairs, they were all in awe by the decorations, the colors in perfection to decorate the table, the balloons, and the plates. Therefore, to begin, they welcomed a singer on stage, with a piano number. He started with a very well-known hit song, which was called "All of Me" by John Legend. In front of the stage, on the dance floor, were two amazing couple duets, dancing and twirling around making amazing moves during the song. The couple ended with such an elegant finish, all of us cheered them huge applause, and the couple duet had dismissed themselves. Next, we had a young student, volunteered herself a love poem in front of us tonight. The title of the love poem was "Love was never hidden, it was always there", and honestly, it was super powerful and true. At the end of the poem, everyone cheered and was mourning about hunger, so the servants' students came along with meals, on the food trail, where it was chicken, rice, and salad. Therefore, when everyone was being served, they played a slow jam song, which was Aaliyah, "Age Ain't Nothing But A Number", which is one of the greatest hit songs, globally.


"Wow, the food is so delicious and it felt like home. All of my friends are laughing, enjoying, having a good time, but the person I am like to enjoy watching is Michaela, she is just no other girl I saw before, knowing she is new, but still, her energy is different, her personality is amazing, you just get instant interaction from her. I am just glad I am the one who has met her because I truly like her. Knowing I am speaking for myself, I am sure that others are feeling the same way. I just cannot wait for this night to end with her around my arms as we are dancing. Even thinking about, makes me smirk a little."


"Looking at Mike, and how my friends are getting along through topics and getting-to-know-you questions to one another, I could not ask for a better night than this. Even seating next to Mike, I get butterflies, my hands start to shake nervously and my heart is pounding so hard! I try to distract myself by looking away around the area, and I spot immediately hand touching, touching on the chin, kisses on the cheek, and an arm on top of the chair onto the shoulders. Looking ahead, I see Daphne eye bowling me and flickering her eyebrows, asking me what's the matter, and I mouth whisper her, saying, "I am super nervous around him, I am nervously uncomfortable, girl." She low laughs and I am looking at her with a serious face showing her I was not kidding, so she said, "Do nothing, he will do something okay, you will be fine. Trust me". Still doubting and trying to do something, they played a slow dance hit, called "I Never Gonna Dance Again" by George Michael, one of my favorite songs and the perfect selection for tonight. All of a sudden, a hand was in front of me, and I look up, seeing Mike smiling and said, "May I have this dance, Mel?" Replacing my hand on top of his, smiling, I said, "Yes, I would love to."

Getting up from her chair, Michaela and Mike are heading to the dance floor, hand on hand, and now, facing one another. Going through her waist onto her back with his hand, Mike was so relaxed and nervous, while Michaela's left hand was on Mike's left hand and her right hand was on his shoulder. Balancing on each other together with the song, so elegant and making conversation. Twirling, and doing other dance moves they were having such a moment of a lifetime.


"Just holding and dancing with Mike, was good he smelt so good! Such a strong perfume, I could not stop smiling under his embrace. As he was spinning me around and holding me around my waist, I felt such protection. The funny thing is that I would never put myself this close with someone in my life, and tonight, it was proof. He is just super funny, makes me laugh even though he is super serious at times, and just his touch was over the moon. Man, the way I am sounding right now is so daydreaming; I just do not want us to stop dancing, because it felt good. My thoughts saying, "Please let him say something unusual like something out of the blue." As we are close now, my head by his chest, he said, "You know what sounds funny now, the way we are dancing, reminds me of romantic movies and how couples are more intimated while they are dancing." Looking at him, shocked and surprised, I said, "You know what, you are right, and for me, my favorite part will be the staring." Taking my hand and placing them on his chest, he said, "You right, that's my favorite one too, but I prefer looking at yours. Your ones are very beautiful." When he said that, we stared at each other eyes and puzzled ourselves. As the music was getting to the end, we cut ourselves from staring and headed to our table. To be honest, he has such relaxed, attractive, amazing brown, lion eyes I have ever seen. I was floating in those eyes."


"Holding her around me was for me, the best feeling I ever got from someone. It was warm, soft, and lovable to hold onto. And then twirling her, like a princess, making her smile and laugh through my silly jokes and then dipping her, bringing her back slowing closer to me, I felt a quick connection from that, just by looking at her smile, her hair, perfume, and other things. What I love about her was her laughter, her silly looks, and how soft her hands were. When I told her about what was my favorite part with this dance, was the staring, she looked so surprised and agreed with me, and then placing her hand onto my chest, caused her to look into my eyes. Her eyes are just amazing, beautiful as a leopard eyes', showing me her relaxed, comfortable, attractive eyes. My thoughts are telling me to kiss her, but refusing, telling myself that it is not the time yet. The night is still going and the friends are all laughing and enjoying themselves. The DJ started playing songs, so it became a disco! Watching Michaela leave the table to get some air, I decided to follow her and give her some company. I could immediately see that she was getting bored."


"The party was going well and fine, but then I immediately did not enjoy myself, so I excused myself from the table to be outside and enjoy the night. As I was seating down by the bench, I saw Mike seating a few inches away from me, so I gave him a small smirk. He asked, "Do you still have the basketball jacket I gave you on match day?" Looking at him, and smiling, I said, "Yes, I still have it, I got to say, when I first wearied on that day, it felt soft and warm. I liked it a lot." Surprised by my answer, he said, "Okay, I am glad to hear that, and what about the dinner after that?" I said, "I found it very sweet and thoughtful because that was when my family wanted to know and meet you so yes. I appreciated the invite though." "Okay, will you accept it if I make one more invite? asked Mike. Giving him a doubtful look, I asked, "What is it?" Approaching closer to me, feeling my heart pounding, he said, "Do you want to see my house?" With shocked eyes, I said, "Ok, yes, I would love to. On what day and what time?" Admiring her answer, he said, "Chill, new girl, I will give you a call and keep you inform, and I organize everything, okay?" Laughing and pushing him away, I said, "Fine, but I am not in a hurry, so take your time, and let's go inside, we are probably missing our last dance to wrap it up."

So, our favorite couple headed back inside, finding the majority of the people were dancing and having a good time with their partners. Therefore, they decided to join and groove with the song, called, "Uptown Funk", by Bruno Mars, the floor was really on fire! So to end the next final 10 minutes, they ended with the love song of the night, called "Angel of Mine", by Monica, which for everyone was relaxed and dancing with their partners.

Dismissing the place, the presenter of the show came running to Michaela and Mike and gave them a heart-shaped award for the well-dressed couple and a banquet of red roses to Michaela from Mike on the Dedication card to my Date game. So heading their way out, gathered by their friends, they were in awe seeing the gifts and the present that Mike have given her. With their car arriving, they all entered and rested, arriving in the first one, who was Mike and Michaela, at her house, they both dropped in front. Standing in front of each other, they said their goodnights, and Mike ended up kissing Michaela by the... cheekbones! What a diligent boy he was! What a night!

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