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"Leah, you're not even holding the camera right!" Johnson complains pointing to the camera in my hands.

"Jack, look my finger is on the picture button and I'm holding it up. How is that wrong" I defend myself.

"Just give me the camera" He reaches over trying to grab it out of my hands. I put it behind me, a smile appearing on my face.

"No, let me try" I focus the camera once again trying to find a shadow that an objects creates. Failing miserably, I give in and hand the camera over to Jack.

"Just stick to sports Leah" He teases me.

"Whatever" I pout. He looks at me laughing before returning to the assignment.

"Wanna hear a joke?" Johnson interrupts my writing. We're suppose to write down what we see and how we think this happens.

"Not really"

"Well you'll hear it anyway" He says giddily. He continues on taking photos, sharing information before telling me the joke.

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?" The annoyance clear in my voice.


"Cash who?"

"I always knew you were a nut" I look at him slightly offended. He laughs at my reaction than explaining the joke.

"You know the nut cashew right?" I nod.

"You said cash who and it sounded like cashew" He explains more thoroughly. I nod not really caring. Looking up, I see Mr. Ronald observing us.

"Leah, the main office called you" He informs me, walking away shortly after. Johnson looks at me while I glance towards him.

"Is Leah in trouble?" He teases once again.

"I don't know Jack. For all I know I might be getting an award. Or I might be getting expelled." The ideas running through my head.

"Or maybe they need to give you something." He adds.

"Maybe" I say goodbye to him while placing my book back in my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

I walk across the grass being careful with my vans. When I reach the door I head to the office which is on the right.

"Hi. I was told to come here" I tell one of the secretaries.

"Oh yes! The principal wants to see you in her meeting room. Don't worry you're not in trouble." She politely says. I smile saying thank you and head to the back to the meeting room.

The door was already open allowing me to walk right in.

"Leah, you're here! Take a seat. We're waiting on a few more students" I nod silently, a smile on my face, as I take a seat on the far end chair.

A few more students walk in and immediately I can tell they're apart of the popular group.

And one of them just happened to be my so called 'rival'.

And not to mention he's the captain of the lacrosse team, whom he took to Regionals.

Cameron Dallas.

Probably the most popular student here. Don't understand why though.

"Great everybody's here" Mrs. Jadson said happily. The students all take a seat waiting for the news.

"So you all must be wondering why you're here, yes?" We nod.

"You see, each and every one of you are captains. Some of you brought the team to championships" She glances at Cameron, than I.

"Some of you hope to do that. We brought you here today to tell you that you're going to help out JV. Now I know, Junior Varsity, why do we have to teach them? We want you guys to make them champions so the titles can stay with the school and not leave as you all graduate." She leans on to the table. We all continue to stay silent.

"First things first, soccer and baseball are sharing a field. Basketball has their court. Field hockey also has their own field as does football." I raise my hand slightly upset.

"Why does soccer and baseball share a field. Why can't we have our own?" I object her plans.

"She's right. If you want us to make champions than we need our own field" Cameron agrees with me. I raise my eyebrows extremely surprised.

"Look, we don't have enough fields. Just share, half and half" She tries to persuade us.

"I don't know." I say doubting her.

"Do it for the school" She adds. I nod slightly glancing at Caneron who looks over to me. He mimics my actions agreeing to the plans. The rest of the captains in the room grin widely excited for what to come.

"You can all go. You may return to class" She dismisses us.

"Just so you know, this doesn't mean we're going to be friends" One of the most pestering voices says in my ear as I exit the office.

"Nobody ever mention being friends. We just have to get along" I say as I follow my eyes. He pulls my arm back making me face him.

"I didn't ask for an attitude"

"I don't remember asking for your permission" I say disgusted as I pull my arm back.

"Just remember, don't let one of your players step foot on my side. Is that understood?" He steps forward, crossing his arms.

"I didn't sign a contract. If my girls want to go on your field, than they go. I'm not threatening your boys so don't you dare threaten my girls" I say offensively. He looks at me upset, taking another step forward.

"Do me a favor and get to your class. Wouldn't want the Ms big shot to get in trouble, now would we?" I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"Go ahead, call me big shot but it's not like you ever brought the baseball team to nationals and I never even heard your name as a national champion now did I?"

"This is what I mean. This is why people don't like you. You bring them down" His insult actually hurt. I look down, a lump forming in my throat.

"Does it look like I bring them down. You got to be kidding me. Cameron, you walk in the halls and people back away. They don't even make eye contact. Don't you wonder why?" I shoot back. He stays silent.

"Look Cameron, we have to deal with each for now on. Get to class, it's the least you can do" I turn back around walking into now third period leaving Cameron in the hallway.

"Leah, you're late again!" Ms. Mary scolds me as I walk in.

"Sorry, the principal wanted me."

"Do you have a note?" I nod handing it I her.

"Alright, take a seat" I nod walking over  sitting down in my seat.

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