Fuck off with the part titles

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Damn I haven't had the energy to do anything as of late, and my mom says I need to get up and do shit to have energy but I don't really understand how that'd work honestly. Since last time I've posted was a while ago I guess I'll just update y'all on my life or somethin.

Medicine and therapy still do not help with my depression or anxiety. Uh, my focus I guess is shut as well and I've just been getting distracted and forgetting things more. Deadass forgot what else I was what I was writing hold on. OH YEAH, uh I've been doin this weird thing where my head kinda "snaps" to the side and I make some sound kinda like a meow sound?? My brother gets super annoyed by it, so that's fun. I'm deadass forgetting what I was saying this isn't a joke. I'm still goin strong with my partner and I'm trying to save up for a gift that I could buy them! I got a short one day job today that paid me fifty, and I'm working a dance lease in January UwU

Rediscovered some trauma??? if you wanna call it that I guess. Broke down a couple time, still failin my classes, fed some cats and raccoons on Thanksgiving, uhhhhh told my mom she could call me by he/him or they/them if they/them was too difficult to her, didn't happen but uh I think that's all that's happened in my life???? Maybe????? Who the fuck knows happy Tuesday


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