Are You Just Pretending?

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(Uhm just a lil note that it was 5:00am and I haven't slept for 24 hours so this part might be a bit trashy)

It was around 7:15am Akaashi heard a knock on the door. He remembered that everyday Bokuto comes to his house to walk with him to school. Akaashi wanted to avoid Bokuto and not answer the door but decided to answer it anyways.

When Akaashi opened the door, he stared at the ground and avoiding eye contact with Bokuto.

"HEY HEY HEY AKAASHI" Bokuto greeted but quickly went silent when he saw how tired Akaashi looked.

"Akaashi are you ok? You look exhausted, didn't you sleep last night" Bokuto asked with concern.

Akaashi was silent, he didn't want to talk or see Bokuto trying to act like everything was ok. Akaashi walked pass Bokuto without say a single word and proceeds to walk to school.

Bokuto was confused but shrugged it off and caught up to Akaashi, He figured that he was staying up late last night studying which was the reason why Akaashi looked so tired.

On their walk to school Bokuto was blabbering about stuff like he usually does but Akaashi didn't pay attention to anything he said. He was frustrated, how can Bokuto just act like nothing happened? Was he just pretending?

They finally arrived at school and went their separate ways, Akaashi felt a bit relieved until he remembered he had an exam today.

After school....

After school and Akaashi already  knew he failed the exam, he could barely stay awake the whole day but he had other problems. He made his way to the gym for volleyball practice.

Akaashi pretty much messed up all his sets and he looses his balance everytime he receives the ball. His teammates quickly noticed and asked if Akaashi was ok, Akaashi lied and answered "I'm fine". Of course Bokuto was conserned and kept asking Akaashi is he was alright but He just stayed silent.
In the end Akaashi was subbed off for the rest of the game.

On the walk home with Bokuto, Bokuto kept asking Akaashi if he was ok and again Akaashi didn't respond. Bokuto felt a bit frustrated but concerned for him. When they arrived at Akaashi's house Bokuto leaned in for a goodbye kiss as usual but Akaashi just pushed back and ran into his house and slamming the door.

At this point Bokuto was really confused because Akaashi never minded kissing but today he avoided it.

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