Hospital visit

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Sugawaras POV

Sugawara returned home, he felt bad for what had happened. He was worried for Akaashi after hearing the news. Sugawara went to his room and took out his text books and tried to study for his test next week.

The nest day after school, he was walking home like usual until he past Akaashis house. Sugawara saw yellow tape and police men a few feet away from the house.

Sugawara rushed to see what was going on, he asked the police men what had happened.

"W- what happened!??" Sugawara asked in a panic

"A suicide attempt" one if the police men replied

Sugawaras eyes went wide and his heart skipped a beat. He was shocked and horrified. He didn't want to imagine what Akaashi had done.

"H- how?" Sugawara nervously asked

"cutting, cut arm blood everywhere" the police said

Sugawara didn't know what to say until the police asked sugawara if he knew the person who lived in that house

"yes.. he's my friend" Sugawara replied

"Is he in a hospital right now?" Sugawara asked

"Yeah, he's at 123HaikyuuHospital"
He replied

Sugawara rushed to a bus stop, as he was waiting he called Bokuto but it went to voice mail. Sugawara tried a couple more times but gave up.

The bus finally came and Sugawara stepped in the bus and sat on a seat. After 15 minutes he arrived at the hospital. He rushed to the front desk and asked if Akaashi Keiji is here, They asked what sugawaras relationship with Akaashi and he replied he was a friend. They told Akaashi's room is 203.

Sugawara took the elevator and arrived at Akaashi's room, he knocked on the door and peeked his head through the door. He saw Akaashi unconscious on the hospital bed with bandages wrapped tightly on Akaashis right arm. Beside Akaashi Bokuto was there sitting next to him. He looked really worried and sad, holding Akaashis hand tight.

Sugawara rushed in and glared at bokuto.

"This is your fault Bokuto" Sugawara said coldly and with anger

Bokuto was silent, he knew it was his fault but didn't say anything.

Sugawara looked at Akaashi and back at Bokuto "Hope your happy you idiot" Said Sugawara.

Sugawara sat on a chair and sat in silence. It was awkward with them sitting next to each other and waiting for each other to say something. The only thing u can hear is the beeping heart machine going *beep* once every 2 seconds.

After a few minutes of silence it was quickly broken when Akaashis arm started bleeding through the tight bandage what was wrapped around Akaashis arm. Sugawara hit the emergency calling and waited for a nurse to come in. After 30 seconds a nurse asked them what the matter was, Sugawara showed the bleeding arm to the nurse and they immediately took action

They took Akaashi away and one of the nurses told Bokuto and Sugawara to go home for the night and would keep them updated later on. They nodded and exited the hospital

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