Café Drama

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"Is everything ok here?"

Akaashi and sugawara looked up. They saw a 5'5 teenage girl around their age with long brown wavy hair and hazel eyes wearing a waitress outfit.

Sugawara told the waitress everything was fine even though she could tell everything was not. The waitress asked if they wanted to order their drinks, Sugawara and Akaashi just ordered a strawberry milkshake and nothing else.

Akaashi wasn't feeling any better and the waitress couldn't help but tell them "if anything is bothering you, you can talk to me" Akaashi sighed and told the girl his problem. Akaashi doesn't usually tell people his struggles but he really wanted some advice from anyone for his heart to stop hurting.

After telling the waitress

"Wow I'm sorry to hear that, if my new boyfriend ever did something like that I would freak too" Said the waitress with sympathy for Akaashi

"Hows your boyfriend like?" Asked Akaashi with curiosity

"well we just got together not to long ago, he loves volleyball, yellow eyes and white and black hair and around 6'1" happily said the waitress

Akaashi and Sugawara froze. They didn't want to believe it was Bokuto

"His name is Bokuto and I love him so much"

Sugawara snapped "SO YOUR THE GIRL!!!"

Everyone in the café turned at their table

"I'm sorry?" She asked in confusion


"Y- yes?"

Akaashis didn't know what to say anymore. The pain in hus heart grew more and more. He felt numb and cold inside.

"Sorry girl but that bastard that your currently dating is HIS boyfriend, or ex and ur the woman the we saw hand in hand with the idiot" Sugawara shouted in anger

"w- what?"

Sugawara grabbed Akaashis wrist and dragged him out of the café.

Onec they were a couple meters away from the café Sugawara apologized for making drama in the café, Akaashi didn't blame Sugawara

"It's ok, I don't blame you" Akaashi said with no emotion

"do u wanna go home for the day?" Sugawara asked

Akaashi nodded.
Sugawara respected his wishes and said their goodbyes to each other.

As Akaashi was walking home he didn't know what to do anymore. He wanted this numbness to go away but he doesn't know how. His heart felt dead and beaten. What should he do?

As if thing could get worse half way through the walk home he bumped into Bokuto. They are now face to face with each other.

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