Chapter 3: Hunt Down The Borb

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"I think we can all agree that the next person on the list is gonna be a bit of a challenge." Dedede said
"Yeah." Adeleine said.
"Poyo." Kirby said.
"I'm sorry, but I don't really know who you're talking about." Queen Ripple asked.
"Meta Knight." Kirby answered.
"We don't really know where his exact position is." Dedede said.
Just then, Ribbon spawned beside everyone because I felt like adding her to the fanfic.
"Hello everyone, sorry for being late I was busy playing Danganronpa. Anyways, how's everyone doing?" Ribbon exclaimed.
Ribbon previously agreed to help Kirby with delivering Sprite Cranberry yesterday but she has stated that she would be a bit late due to the reason she previously mentioned.
"We're looking for Meta Knight." Kirby said.
"If any of y'all got any ideas on how to find him, now would be the best time to say it." Dedede said
"Wait, I think I might have an idea." Adeleine said. "We can call him."
"I, genuinely don't know why I didn't thought about that myself." Dedede said without a single grain of confidence . "I'm pretty disappointed in myself to be honest."
Kirby then took a phone out of his pocket and proceeded to call him but it went straight to voicemail.
"It's Meta Knight. I'm busy. Don't bother leaving a message."
"YES I REGAINED MY CONFIDENCE." Dedede yelled out. "I mean oh no it went to voicemail."
"Sorry that the idea didn't work." Adeleine said as she was pretty embarrassed.
"Adeleine, there's no need to apologise" Dedede said.
Kirby then thought for around 6.4 seconds and then got an idea.
"Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed. "We can check the knoll!"
"Uhhhh Kirby." Queen Ripple said. "You might need to be a little more specific."
"He's already said enough." Dedede said. "I know exactly what he's talking about."
Meta Knight likes to read and he usually has a specific spot on a knoll where he likes to read. This spot never changes and is usually where Kirby and his friends find Meta Knight.
"Alright Kirby." Dedede exclaimed. "Lead the way."
"Poyo!" Kirby responded.
They all proceeded to go to the specific knoll where Meta Knight reads his book in the opening cutscene of Kirby's Return to Dream Land but when they checked the specific knoll where Meta Knight reads his book in the opening cutscene of Kirby's Return to Dream Land, they didn't find Meta Knight at the specific knoll where Meta Knight reads his book in the opening cutscene of Kirby's Return to Dream Land.
"Well, you tried." Dedede said. "I guess we didn't find him on the specific knoll where Meta Knight reads his book in the opening cutscene of Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Any other ideas?"
"The mountains!" Kirby exclaimed.
"Now that you mentioned it. I do see him sometimes fly over to the peak of nearby mountains." Dedede said.
"Great!" Ribbon exclaimed. "Let's go check out the mountains."
"But we don't know what specific mountain he's on." Adeleine said.
"We just have to check every single one!" Ribbon exclaimed.
"But that would take hours." Adeleine said. "And hours are like, long."
"I GOT AN IDEA." Dedede yelled out.
He then proceeded to use his hammer and his insane clobbering powers to whack Kirby over to the top of a mountain in the distance when he wasn't looking.
"DEDEDE WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" Ribbon yelled.
"It's because i'm based." Dedede casually said.
"You realise that he could've used the Warp Star" Queen Ripple said.
"Yeah, I should've thought about that" Dedede said.
Just then, they saw the Warp Star come into view with Kirby on it. It then proceeded to knock into Dedede causing him to be sent flying at 3563km/h across the entirety of Pop Star before looping back to the area he was in around 12.3 seconds.
"Sorry." Kirby said.
"No need to apologise, I deserved that." Dedede said while attempting to stand up but he collapsed 4.5 times "Sorry about clobbering you."
"Apology accepted." Kirby said.
They all then proceeded to get on the Warp Star and they then flew to every mountain in existence in Pop Star in around a minute or two. They then got to the final mountain, only to realise that Meta Knight wasn't there. Dedede wasn't happy about it.
"Wow I can't believe we found Meta Knight!" Dedede yelled sarcastically. "I can't believe it thank you Kirby!"
"Leave him alone." Ribbon said. "He tried his best."
"Well, his best just isn't good enough." Dedede said.
"Dedede calm down." Queen Ripple said.
"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DO-" Dedede yelled before slipping and falling off the snow covered mountain.
Kirby then got the Warp Star and picked Dedede up and dropped him back on the mountain.
"Sorry about that everyone." Dedede said. "I became too based."
"How about we have a picnic break." Adeleine suggested. "I can supply the food."
"Yeah, Poyo!" Kirby said but truthfully, he would never turn down food.
Everyone agreed to having a very epic picnic break and they did. Adeleine supplied the food by painting it and the drinks were already supplied if you couldn't already tell. Just then, they saw something in the sky. It was the Halberd.
"Look!" Kirby exclaimed while pointing at the Halberd. "It's Meta Knight's ship."
"Alright everyone!" Ribbon exclaimed "Let's go to the ship."
"Actually, I'm gonna sit this one out." Dedede said. "I'm pretty tired."
"Same here." Queen Ripple said.
"I'm not." Ribbon said "I drank so many cans of Sprite Cranberry that I am now immune to sleep."
Kirby then proceeded to clap for some reason idk.
"Hey, can I come?" Adeleine said.
"Of course." Ribbon said.
"Poyo." Kirby said which means yes btw.
They all then went onto the Warp Star and headed over to the Halberd, leaving Dedede and Queen Ripple on the mountain.
"Hey uhh-" Dedede began to say. "Sorry for yelling at you earlier."
"It's ok." Queen Ripple said. "I accept your apology."
"Alright, anyways have you ever wondered if you could Backwards Long Jump in real life?" Dedede said.
"I was just thinking about that." Queen Ripple said.
"You want to try and test it out." Dedede said.
"Yeah sure." Queen Ripple said.

Kirby and the Sprite Cranberry QuestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora