Chapter 4: Battle on the Halberd

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Kirby, Adeleine and Ribbon proceeded to fly up to the Halberd using the Warp Star. They then crashed through the side of the front area of the Halberd knocking Captain Vul over.
"What is this nonsense!" Captain Vul said.
Just then, the Halberd began to crash as Captain Vul lost control of it after being knocked down. Then, everyone in the Halberd including Meta Knight fell out of the Halberd through the hole that created after the Warp Star broke through. Kirby then had to send the Warp Star out to catch everyone and he had to gain control of the Halberd. The Warp Star then brought everyone back to the ship and Adeleine then painted a wall to cover the hole up. Captain Vul then resumed control of the Halberd.
"Kirby, this better be important." Meta Knight said.
Kirby then proceeded to point to the boxes with Sprite Cranberry in them.
"Wanna Sprite Cranberry?" He said.
"So, you came to this ship and caused a ruckus just to deliver us drinks!" Captain Vul said.
Kirby, Adeleine and Ribbon proceeded to nod their heads.
"While I do disapprove of you three interfering with the ship." Meta Knight said. "It would be foolish of me to turn down this offer."
Meta Knight then opened the box.
"Vul." Meta Knight said. "Bring this box to the rest of the crew."
"Yes sir." Captain Vul responded.
He then proceeded to do what he was told.
"Now all of you." Meta Knight said. "I appreciate the kind gesture but I'm busy so leave me be."
Just then, out of nowhere because plot reasons, Marx appeared.
Marx then proceeded to fly towards the Sprite Cranberry boxes but was then knocked aside after Adeleine threw her paintbrush at him.
"What do you want!" Ribbon said. "You could've asked nicely!"
"I am here to make the plot in this fanfiction more interesting but there's a problem, the author doesn't know how to insert me into this fanfiction so he's just gonna drop me into this scenario but truthfully, none of this matters. We're just stuck in a fanfiction. We aren't the real characters, just worse versions of them." Marx said.
"Poyo?" Kirby said.
Then, Captain Vul, Sailor Dee, the Meta-Knights and Sword and Blade knight walked in.
"You fools realise that you are just nothing but forgettable characters in the real Kirby universe." Marx said.
They then all vanish out of existence.
"Well, if it's a fight you want." Meta Knight said. "It's a fight you're gonna get."
Everyone then proceeded to pummel Marx but then he summoned a black hole so everyone had to run away. Marx then shot out a bunch of cutters which Kirby sucked up and spat back at him. Adeleine then thought for around 0.5 seconds and then drew a bomb for Kirby to inhale. Kirby inhaled it and became Bomb Kirby. Marx then shot a huge laser which hurt everyone and destroyed the ship. The ship began to start falling.
"What do we do, what do we do?" Ribbon yelled as she was very stressed.
Meta Knight proceeded to attempt to control the ship but it was no use. Kirby then threw a lot of bombs at Marx which damaged him a lot. The Halberd then did the classic move of falling into the ocean. Everyone then escaped and made it to shore. Meta Knight was very mad and began to pummel Marx with his sword. Kirby also threw a lot of bombs at Marx, Adeleine painted Kracko and sent him to electrocute Marx and Ribbon just kinda kept slapping him.
"Alright alright I give up." Marx yelled.
Everyone then stopped attacking him.
"I don't know why I did that but can I please have like 4 Sprite Cranberry cans?" Marx asked.
"Why would we do that?" Adeleine asked "You came here and began to attack us and you're expecting us to forgi-"
"Here!" Kirby said and he proceeded to hand him 4 Sprite Cranberry cans.
"Thanks!" Marx said as he disappeared from not only the shore, but also this fanfiction.
"Where's my crew?" Meta Knight asked.
"Marx made them disappear by saying that they are forgettable characters that don't have much of a presence in the series but this is fanfiction so that doesn't really matter. They'll probably appear in around 4.5 seconds." Kirby said.
"What?" Meta Knight said.
"Poyo!" Kirby said.
Meta Knight's crew then appeared out of thin air.
"Well I should get going." Meta Knight said. "See you soon."
After saying goodbye, Meta Knight departed. Kirby, Adeleine and Ribbon then used the Warp Star to head back to the mountain where Queen Ripple and Dedede were only to see an interesting sight.
"I CAN'T STOP BACKWARDS LONG JUMPING AAAAAAAAA." Dedede yelled as he was flying across the entire world in 2 seconds.
Queen Ripple was panicking and she didn't know what to do. Kirby then got rid of the bomb ability, sucked Dedede up and spat him out.
"Thanks Kirby." Dedede said. "Anyways, who's the next person?"
Kirby then looked at the list.
"Bandana Dee and Escargoon!" Kirby proclaimed.
"Alright then." Dedede said. "That souldn't seem too ba-"
"And every single Waddle Dee in Dream Land." Kirby proclaimed.

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