Chapter two

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My alarm beeps loudly and wakes me up, I wake up and go downstairs after getting dressed I get an orange and an apple I like apples and oranges are Dante's favorite fruit. I think for a moment how I got the orange first and the thought pops back in my head " Am I in love with my best friend I quickly dismiss the thought and walk outside to go to school. I stop at a shop to get something to drink today. And on the news, there is another case when somebody has died from Hanahaki Disease. I feel so bad for the people that are going through things like one-sided love.
I think about it again " Am I in love with my best friend" I stop thinking about it and remember that I am going to be late for class so I run to the school down the street. I get to class on time so I didn't get locked out but I didn't see Dante I'm worried I hope he isn't sick.
I take a seat next to Pam and her boyfriend Corey, Pam is excited to see me and help me work on our science project. After school I head back home and check up n Dante I walk into his room seeing that he was okay and just skipped school. I was so worried I exclaimed. Dante said that he just skipped school and he was fine I was scared that he got Hanahaki Disease somehow he was fine and in perfect health......... I on the other hand had a simple cough... Or so I though for a while.

Hanahaki Disease (The Hoodie you returned)Where stories live. Discover now