Chapter seven

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As Dante hugs me I start to cry harder, knowing he wont love me the way I love him. Pam was worried and came in the bathroom to make sure I was okay. Dante and Pam sat on the floor. Dante asks how long I've been dealing with this. I said it  was a few weeks. His eyes start to tear up " I can't lose you" Dante says teary eyed as a tear falls down his cheek. Pam left and said that she is going to clean up after the breakfast we had. I tell Dante " Dante if i die will you win the tournament for me"
Dante says " its only two days away won't you be okay?" I say that I have no clue.
            Me, Dante and Pam head to the art museum I like, they know I'm going to die even though Dante wont accept it. We walk past my favorite art piece in the museum. It happens to be my favorite flower, Hyacinth, ( Meaning of Regret and Sorrow) Me and Dante take a picture next to it. We both smiled, Dante held my hand in the picture... Dante told me he will be there by my side when I die.

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