Chapter Three

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   I woke up after my alarm went off last night. I stayed up to play games with Dante. We are going to practice for our tournament that is next week so I and him go to the guy that the coach lets us use after hours and start to practice. We continue to practice for about three hours. I never let Dante know that I'm gay let alone tell him that I'm starting to have feelings for him...Mabey I'll tell him tonight I'm staying over at his house.
           Dante and I are hanging out in his room when I get a message from Pam. She asked why I've been acting a bit distant. I said that I was just tired and had a cough. Little did she know I was sicker than she could imagine...after breakfast the next day I started to head home
            After I left Dante's house and lay down I kept coughing and coughing I thought that I had something in my throat so I went to the bathroom about the toilet and coughed up what was in my throat...I saw white flower petals with blood on them... I'm speechless I don't know what to do nor say. I am scared trembling I am in love with my best friend. I try to hold back my tears but they rip through my pride and tears after tears fall thinking about how Dante will never love me the way I love him I have to tell Pam, Pam is bisexual and is supportive of the LGBTQ+. I am so scared I do not want to die but I love Dante I would do anything at any cost to make him happy

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