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【sᴛᴜᴅʏ ᴄᴀᴍᴘ ❴ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ❵】


"I thought you're just some noisy kids. What's that?" The new supernatural asked as it held both Akane and Yashiro. "Did you come here to die?"

Yashiro started struggling from the supernatural's iron grip. She then noticed that there were more supernatural surrounding them. 'The supernatural just now. Although it's beaten by Akane-kun, It's still multiplying! Even other supernaturals started to appear...'

The white haired girl felt herself loosing her conciousness, Akane felt the same as he was no longer struggling out of the supernatural's arms.

The supernaturals around them started chanting about eating them. With the last of her strength, Yashiro manage to cry out towards the female seventh mystery who was with her earlier. "Hatsume-chan..."

A (f/c) colored wisp flew at an incredible speed and slammed against the silhouette holding them who then dropped them and slightly backed away.

The two coughed up as rapid footsteps were heard approaching them.

Hatsume suddenly jumped into the air and sent a kick into the supernatural's way, who was soon flew into the wall. She stood infront of the two protectively once the threat was a few meters away.

"Hatsume-chan...!" Yashiro wheeze out. The female supernatural didn't bother glancing at her, she knew that her assistant was fine and that was all she wanted to know. She gave the mystery infront of her a menacing glare that she could muster and spoke up. "What do you think you are doing, Number Six?!"

Yashiro's eyes widened, she then stared up to the tall supernatural who she finally got a good look on, who began killing the other supernaturals surrounding them except for Hatsume who was still on guard while defending her and Akane.'This...! Hatsume-chan said Number six, could it be this person-'

The supernatural has a mask made out of a skull of an animal. His entire clothing was white except for his hands and legs which was completely black.

'-No. 6 of the seven mystery!'

"I didn't expect to see you here, No. 7... Protecting these humans..." Number Six spoke up as he finished off the last supernatural. He turn towards Yashiro who held an unconcious Akane close to her, terrified. "They both seem delicious."

Yashiro got even more terrified.

" The students are having fun... Even if I eat one or two of them here...." Number Six approached the three slowly, making Hatsume place a protective hand towards the two humans. The sixth mystery stopped in his tracks and observed them, looking directly towards Yashiro. "No one will ever notice..."

Yashiro screamed.

"Not when I'm here." Hatsume snarled. Her (e/c) orbs were dangerously darker than usual. "Number Six, You know the rules. No supernatural must harm a human. Or else Hanako and I must eliminate you."

Yashiro was trembling that she didn't notice Akane slightly stirr from her arms.

The sixth mystery suddenly tense up as he felt another aura nearby. Hatsume's eyes widened in horror, already knowing who was coming. "Oh no..."

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