Chapter 2

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Warning: Adult themes will be mentioned in this chapter. If you are under the age of 13 or have problems regarding this kind of content I suggest you skip this chapter. I will put warnings for every chapter that will mention these adult themes. I'm sorry if any of this has triggered any experiences you do not wish to see. If you are still reading then you have been warned.


Jon with his famous and iconic jester suit made his way to his friend's - Bryan's - pizzeria. He got a call from A.I Afton that something had happened to Bryan, again. Geez, Bryan really loves getting himself into trouble, doesn't he? He thought as he parked his car in the parking lot. He was just about to head inside when he saw A.I Afton by the door. "Hey!" He called. "Oh, Jon? You're here." The animatronic acknowledged the man's presence at this time of hour. What time was it? Well, it was already 7:49 PM. The animatronic lead Jon to the main area, the other animatronics already offline. "So, what happened to Bryan exactly?"

He sighed but answered anyway. "Well, that's a bit complicated but basically- he- uh, geez how do I explain this?" How was he going to explain something like this? "Go on..." Jon gestured the A.I to continue, intrigued to know what happened to the fellow owner that is Bryan. He slumped in defeat. "Just- just follow me, alright?" He stuttered, unable to make the situation into words, and instead suggested something different.

They made their way to the portal room, their footsteps echoed around the room, not being that loud anyway. "And why are we here?" Raising an eyebrow, Jon gazed at the secret door — not really a secret — with curiosity in his eyes when both were in front of it. "Just come and take a look for yourself." The door opened when he took a step forward, taking another to get in the room, making space for the animatronic to follow. The door closed behind them, the room that they were occupying empty with the exception of Rockstar Freddy sitting there motionlessly, Jon just stared ahead of the room, turning to the animatronic, eyes questioning. Ai Afton's eyes switched from him to the felt, using his eyes the gesture towards something. Head slowly turned to the left to see—

Bryan was slumped on the floor, unconscious. But that wasn't the only thing that he found shocking, but also the fact that his friend looked pretty much dead-like. With the dark bags under his eyes to the pale skin to the unmoving body with the exception of the slow rise of his chest indicating that he was breathing. He had a blue blanket wrapped around his body as soft snoring was heard from the not conscious man.

"Afton. What the hell is this?"

"That's Bryan."

"And what is he doing on the floor?"


"And why is he sleeping on the goddamn floor?"

"I don't know, we found him like this."

"Okay, better question, why isn't he home yet?"

Oh boy, this is not gonna end well...

"Yeah, that's exactly the problem..."

"And why is that?"

His animatronic body tensed, eyes switching its line of vision to the side, unable to look at the man's eyes, at the man's maybe angry blue eyes. A.I Afton was conflicted, both in telling Jon the truth or cover it up just like what he did in the previous hour however he knew better than that. Jon hated being lied to. Hated being lied in his face. "Well, you see..."

Blue eyes bore itself on the animatronic, cold and intimidating, staring at him intently. Jon's eyes occasionally shifted to the side, giving Bryan's unmoving form short glances every now and then, patience running low as the seconds passed, wanting to know the answer immediately. "He said he doesn't remember where he lives..."

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