Chapter 3

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With the sun rising high in the sky, the weather being sunny there were no signs of raining that day. Birds chirping in the early morning, some making themselves comfortable in their nests while others flew around the area. It wasn't that windy, just a little bit, you could even say that it was quite hot.

For the humans at least.

Not for the animatronics. They can't exactly feel much. But they could tell from the sun shining its rays on the outside of their pizzeria. It was typically a hot day today, the wind that blew was a bit hot, not that much but it did make the humans sweat a bit.

And Bryan was no exception.

Sweat gathered on his forehead as he wiped it with the back of his hand, his red jacket was tied to his waist, just dangling there — he didn't exactly know why he still brought it but it felt weird to leave it behind so, yeah. Kept it with him, just in case — wearing a simple white t-shirt, the sleeves being a bit long so he had to fold it upward, showing his skin that was also a little bit sweaty. He still wore his standard jeans and black shoes, not having any other ones that didn't look the same does that. And he wasn't really thinking about his looks at the moment, being too lazy to pick out new clothes.

His brown hair gently swayed as the tiny bit of wind hit him, using his hand to shield his eyes from the bright light that was emanated by the sun. Maybe I should've brought a cap with me...

He was seen walking on the streets, heading to a building that had a parking lot on the outside, his pizzeria. Hoping to get some work done — he hopes that there wouldn't be much but yeah — but mostly, he wanted to check on his animatronics. And work on Freddy of course since he wasn't able to the day before, having to be distracted by the sort of birthday party his dear friend Davis had. He really hoped that he wouldn't get distracted this time because he really wanted to fix Freddy. Well, as much as he can anyway...

He can't exactly fix Freddy entirely, without the parts that are needed — and with it being stolen by Afton, still not sure but wouldn't be able to buy those exact parts for some reason — and the fact that he didn't want to cause suspicions from them, he wouldn't be able to do so. For both his animatronics and Springtrap.

Anger bubbled in his chest as he thought of that name but pushed it down and shook his head of that thought.

Bryan didn't have time to be angry. And he needed to get onto work. Both with his paperwork and repairs...and other stuff.

Damn you, William Afton. Damn you.

Bryan made his way to his pizzeria, stopping for a moment to just look at it and feel another emotion swirl in his stomach before continuing onward to get inside. He saw a shadow from the inside, looking on the window before disappearing, the door from inside it opening and closing.

He once again found himself stopping.

Blink, blink blink.

Probably just one of them trying to get out again. Or just looking out here.

Bryan thought as his lips curled upward into a smile, shaking his head fondly as his eyes softened.

It is pretty hot out here. Their apps should've picked that up.

He took a step forward and resumed walking, stepping on the pavement, his black shoes colliding on it before taking another. Grabbing the handle of the maybe glass door — was it glass? — he pushed it open, slipping himself in before turning around to face the door and closing it gently.

His head turned around as he looked at the counter that he was now facing. Not only was he facing a counter, but also a certain wired animatronic — that was behind said counter — that had a weird looking mask, the red-eye slightly misplaced on it, its body made out of wires, staring at him.

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