HNA 59

214 12 0

I reported the incident, and the shopping mall was temporarily closed.

The heroes and police in the ward undertook an emergency investigation, but in the end they could not find Tomura Shigaraki.

Midorya was taken to the police station that day and told Mr. Tsukauchi, who is investigating the league of villains, about the principal offender, Tomura Shigaraki's appearance and their conversation.

I'm on the police station, waiting for Izuku, it's pretty late so I don't want him leave even though the police is taking him home.

After all, it's my fault I should've left him, but Midorya keep telling me that that wasn't my fault.

We leave at the police station, and when Izuku and I is going to continue walking we heard a voice calling us.

"Young Midoriya! Young (Y/N)! Tsukauchi!" All Might said in a skinny form

Yes I know All Might secret now, last week I accidentally saw him transforming into a skinny form in the Teachers faculty since Principal Nezu was calling me

He explained everything to me and what happened to him. He said that it's okay to tell me since he also know my secret, my past to be exact.

He also told me about the One for all, he told me everything that Izuku is his successor and he got the big wound in his body because of All For one which made me surprised too.

I didn't know sensei can really do something like that, I just thought he was a good guy who wants to take care of me.

"All Might! why...?" Midoriya greeted him as he was approaching us. Both of us quickly run towards to him.

"All Might..." I said smiling, happy to see him

"I have some personal business to talk with him about" Tsukauchi-san said and followed us.

All Might pat both of our heads "Oh good, I'm glad that you both were okay" All Might said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." All Might added as he look at Izuku and remove his hand in his head "It's okay"

He look down after a few seconds he suddenly realized that I was looking at All Might in his Skinny form.

"(Y/N)!? How do you know he is All Might?" He panickly asked as he look at me I chuckled at his reaction.

Since he was All Might successor and he was my bestfriend I decided to tell him everything.

I told him my past as shortest as I can, I told him I was tear and I know All For one like he did, I told him that my quirk is not only Time Manipulation.

As telling him everything he was shocked, but not scared which made me feel ease because if I accidentally summoned my sword I don't need to explain to him.

After explaining everything he look at me like he was inspired at me "(Y/N)'re so strong" he complimented to me

I feel my eyes become teary, I just chuckled to him and look down.

Instead of saying that I'm scary because of the number of people I killed in my past, instead saying I'm heartless for letting my parents died in front of me, instead of saying I'm a bad friend for abandoning my group and let their died before....he said that I'm strong.

Am i really strong...? how can I called myself strong if... If... I didn't even protect them

protect Kazuma, Ren, Saikawa and Yumi...

What's wrong with this boy?

After a mere seconds of silent, Midoriya started a topic to talk about with All Might.

"Um, All Might..." he says "What is it?" All Might said and look at him.

Midoriya lift up his head and look at him "Do you also have times when you can't save everyone?" he asked.

My eyes widened but decided to listen to them, his question had a good point...the question had an impact to me since I can't save my friends back then.

I'm doing training while they were probably asking for my help, damn I hate myself.

"I do. A lot." All Might said and look up in the night sky, "Someone could be injured and passing out somewhere in this world right now."

All Might said and look at the other side "It's frustrating, but I'm human, too. I can't save the people I can't reach. That's all the reason to stand and smile." he says Midorya eyes winded hearing his answer

"So that the 'symbol of justice' can always be lit inside the hearts of the people, the heroes, and the villains" He added.

Tsukauchi-san smile and nod softly, agreeing to him "He's worried about what Shigiraki said. It's probably unjustified resentment or something."

Tsukauchi said and look at Izuku beside him, "he's never failed to save someone after he arrived at the scene" he added

He look at the both of us with a small smile and said "Now, it's getting late. Someone here's for the both of you"

With that we heard a femanine voice calling Midoriya "Izuku!" we turned to look at it, it's Midoriya's Mom wearing a worried expression "Mom?"

She quickly run towards to him "Izuku?" she said and finally hold Izuku's hand "Izuku I can't take this anymore" she said with a teary eyes.

"My heart can't take it..." she cries out, Midoriya smile at her and reassured her "Sorry. It's fine. I'm fine. Don't cry" Izuku reassured her.

"The heroes and the police police were taking care good of me." he added.

Tsukauchi said to the other officer to take care of the both of them and take them home.

After that the both of them were taken by the other officer to take them home.

"(Y/N)-san!" A familiar voice said as I watching the car where Izuku and his mom, leaving.

I turned and saw Kotaro, with a teary eyes "Kotaro-kun" I said and smiled he quickly run towards to me and hugged me.

"You're such a trouble magnet! You're always getting into trouble" he cries out while I just chuckled at him

I patted his back and reassure him with a smile "I'm fine, I won't die you know" I said.

"You two should go now, but be careful (Y/N), since Shigaraki threaten you and said he was going to talk to you soon" Tsukauchi-san said

I nod at him agreeing before we finally leaved the both of them.

While we are in the car of the police officers who was going to drive us home, Kotaro hold my hand.

I look at him confused "(Y/N)-san...are you sure your okay?" he asked, I chuckled at his question but nod.

"Don't worry too much" I said smiling, I was hesitating if I should tell him that I told my past to Izuku

But I decided to tell him anyway, he was shocked that because I never talk about my past.

He said that it was okay since I'm the one who told Izuku about my past and he sure Midoriya was trustworthy since I told him Midoriya is my bestfriend.

As we came home, I started thinking if I should meet All for one sensei but of course I can't.

He was way stronger that I am, he was my sensei after all.

My tears started to fall down by the idea of can't avenge my group...the Scar...I can't since I'm weak to him

I'm totally weak to him

Damn it

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now