9. Here you come again

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Twenty minutes had already passed since Will left to go get ice for my foot.

I wondered what was taking him so long, but I was also trying to come up with a believable excuse for when he came back.

I sniffed his coat and I smelled cinnamon and sugar. It smelled like baked sweets.

"I'm back," Will said from behind me. "Sorry I took so long, people kept stopping to talk to me."

I quickly pulled my nose away from the jacket and watched as he came to sit down beside me.

He held a bag of ice to my foot and I winced at how cold it was.

He held my foot gently and I looked at him sincerely. His eyes were fixed on my foot and nothing else.

He noticed me looking at him and he said, "What?"

"Why are you doing this?" I asked honestly.

Instead of answering me he just stared back down at my foot.

He stayed silent for a moment.

"I-uh... I remember this one time my mom had burns on her feet."

I heard the solemness in his voice.

"It was red and peeling. I just remember feeling helpless and I hated it."

"Is that why you choose sports medicine?" I said, remembering his major.

"Something like that."

He still wouldn't look at me.

I placed my hand on his bicep and I felt him tense up.

He relaxed slightly and finally looked at me.

"I'm fine. It's only bruised." I said trying to get him to calm down.

He let go of my foot. "Sorry if I...um, overreacted."

"You were just being nice," I said letting go of his arm.

"Now are you going to tell me who did this?"

I made a face and said, "Just some random drunk person I ran into. He fell and bumped me and my foot got caught on something. It was an accident." I said lying straight through my teeth.

He nodded his head suspiciously.

"Okay." He said, letting it go. "As long as you're okay."

"Yep, all good." I faked a smile and directed my attention to the crowd below.

"Let's play a game," I said switching the subject.

His demeanor instantly changed and he looked at me thoughtfully. "What game?"

"People watching," I said. "You observe people from afar and guess what they're thinking or saying based on their actions."

"Okay, I'll go first." He looked down for a moment and pointed to someone.

"You see the girl in the bumblebee outfit?" I focused on where he is pointing and saw a girl in a bumblebee costume sitting on a lawn chair all alone.

"She's probably thinking to herself "I shouldn't have come here all by myself. I wish I had stayed home"."

By the sullen look on her face, his guess sounded correct.

Just then, a guy in a red sox jersey came up and handed her his jacket. The girl in the bumblebee costume smiled and took it. She got up and they both walked away holding hands.

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