05 | Douple trouble

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"Ah, auntie Terra!" Darling greeted when her aunt came through the door.

"Lydia dear! It's so good to see you again! Now, where is the little angel I've been dying to see?" Terra said while looking around the room expectedly.

"Right here." Darling said with a smile and showed the little human in her arms, wrapped up in a small blanket.

Terra's eyes almost sparkled at the sight, her hands trembling with anticipation to hold the little. "And thank you so much for looking after Jeongguk while we're gone!"

Terra then froze and stared blankly at her niece. "Jeongguk?"


"But I thought I was supposed to look after little Anesthesia."

"Oh, no you're supposed to look after our little Jeonggukie."

"Hm, what a pleasure." Terra answered with a dead look in her eyes.

"Anesthesia didn't wanna let go at all this morning so she's coming with us." Darling finished, a fond smile playing on her lips while she looked at her baby girl.

Jeongguk stood in the distance, watching the whole scene.

W—what? But we used to go places together... Don't they want me anymore? Are they leaving me? Am I being replaced?

Many doubtful thoughts clouded the little hybrid's mind. Jeongguk didn't even notice the door close and the little flying kiss being sent his way by his owners. He was too occupied by his thoughts.

Terra sighed in disappointment and walked upstairs and played some loud classical music, leaving her basket on the middle of the floor. But a thing that did pull Jeongguk out of his train of thoughts was the sound of meowing. Jeongguk searched for the sound and found out it came from the basket. He slowly approached it, curious of the sounds. But he then stumbled backwards and landed on his butt when he saw two cat heads stick out of the basket, sharp eyes staring directly at him. The two cats gracefully jumped out of the box and walked towards the bunny hybrid. Jeongguk sat frozen in place, staring wide-eyed at the two siamese cats approaching him. One of the cats then suddenly spoke up.

"Oh look, Yami. A little bunny hybrid. How cute."

"Oh I'm looking, brother."

Jeongguk shifted uncomfortably on the carpet.

"W—who are you?" Jeongguk stammered. "Us? We're Yami and Tami, your worst nightmare." Yami said proudly and cackled afterwards.

"My worst nightmare?" Jeongguk repeated.

"Yes, your worst nightmare. We could destroy everything for you. For example, this sofa looks a bit boring, doesn't it?" Tami said as she jumped up on the sofa. "Maybe I could... decorate it a bit." She bared her claws, sunk them into the furniture and slid them down the material, making long scratch marks on the soft sofa.

Jeongguk gasped and got up to quickly push the cat off of the red piece of furniture. "No!"

The two cats laughed evilly and ran off to the other end of the living room.

"Look, Tami! Here's a nice painting, don't you think?"

"Hm, I don't really know. I feel like there's something missing..."

"Oh, maybe this?" Yami asked teasingly as he made a long scratch mark down the middle.

"Perfect!" Tami exclaimed while cackling.

"No, please!" Jeongguk pleaded but to no avail.

The two cats then swiftly jumped up on a small table, making it fall over and smash a vase.


The two cats continued up to a shelf, walking in between all the glass vases. Jeongguk could only stand and watch in horror. They pushed off the colorful glass vases and jumped up into the curtains. They grabbed it with their claws and let their body fall, tearing the soft material apart. They then jumped onto another shelf, this one being with the most expensive vases and jars with the emerald green jar darling got from Terra standing on the top.

"No, stop! Get back here!"

Jeongguk ran after the cats and tried to catch them. The cats ran around the whole living room, being chased by the bunny hybrid and tipping every single piece of furniture over.

Jeongguk then slowly caught up to one of the evil cats. He reached out for it and finally caught it and lifted it off of the ground so it couldn't run away.

"Ha! I got one!" He said cheerfully, not seeing the waviness coming from the tall shelf until it was too late.

"Ugh, what is all this no—" Terra quickly got cut off by a big crash. "NO!"

The tall shelf had fallen, smashing every single vase and jar on it, including the emerald green one.

She stared at the living room in shock, anger and disbelief. She then shifted her gaze down to Jeongguk and the two cats. Her two pets had switched to a completely different persona. One of them was now lying on the floor on their back, whimpering and looking at her with fragile and scared eyes while the other, the one Jeongguk had in his arms, was meowing loudly and looked terrified.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Terra's voice echoed through the absolutely destroyed living room. She quickly ran over to the hybrid and snatched her cat out of his arms and lifted her other cat off of the floor. "Aw, my poor babies. Did the big, bad hybrid hurt you?" She cooed at her pets.

Jeongguk's ears had fallen down flat onto his head and a look of betrayal was present in his eyes.

Terra then looked back up at the bunny with fire burning in her eyes. The only thing she saw was red.


Jeongguk's ears pressed even deeper down onto his head and his eyes filled with terror as well as sadness.

This couldn't mean any good.


see you in the next chapter.

btw you're looking absolutely fly today ;)

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btw you're looking absolutely fly today ;)

- 카로

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