2 ~ Route 66

222 5 2

The bedroom, 3:23am:

Lying in the arms of his partner, Martin dreamt of their first live performance of the tour, painting a picture of the stage in his mind. The thought alongside the seasonal weather sent a shiver down his spine; he buried his body further within Alan's grip in a search for warmth.

Just as he began to roll over, his dream was brought to an abrupt halt when the baby monitor vibrated against their bedside table.

"Gahhhh, ummmmm," Came the following sound.


It was instantaneously brought to his attention that she didn't sound like herself. Parental anxiety taking over, he sat bolt upright and started slipping himself out of bed, trying not to wake his partner.

He failed.

"What time is it, love?" Alan asked as he yawned.

"About half past three in the morning," He replied exhaustively. "Poppi's awake again..."

"Damn. That's, what- the fifth time tonight?" His partner pondered.

"Probably," Too tired to think about it, he simply nodded. "Anyway, I've got her. You can go back to sleep."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Alright, goodnight, baby."

Seven hours later, 9:01am:

"So you've got extra nappies?" Martin yelled to his partner as he strapped their daughter into her car seat. "And her headphones for the concerts?"

"Yep!" Alan yelled back, filling their suitcases way beyond their capacities.

As he did so, he thought back to exactly a year prior; he and Martin waiting to see their baby's face. Hear their first cry. Shower them with love.

That was her.

Bringing himself back the reality of the present morning, he zipped up his daughter's blinding pink suitcase before looking up at their picture frames on the wall and being quickly reminded of one final item he wanted to bring with him.
One hour later, 10:11am:

Their daughter as mellow and serene as can be, Alan and Martin spoke quietly amongst themselves as they travelled in the direction of the airport.

"What do you think she'll think to the crowd?" Alan asked, his eyes fixated on the road ahead.

"I think she'll love them and the whole atmosphere. She's quite the sociable little thing." His partner giggled as a response.

Looking through the rear view mirror, Alan's eyes met with those of his daughter, brown and shining as she sucked on her bottle.

"Hey, girlie." He grinned.

"Mmm," The infant giggled, showcasing her still teething smile and milk dribbling down her chin.

"Are you such a happy girl?" Martin added, too with a grin.

There was nothing he adored more than seeing her smiling face and hearing her light giggle which was like that of a pure, sweet Spring.

"Yes, you are!"

The car came to a stop as Alan reached a red light.

"About 15 more miles," He sighed, glancing at the road distance sign.

"Blumin heck," Martin's eyes widened. "Feels like we've been in here forever."

"I know, love, but we'll be there soon." His partner reassured him, the light transitioning from red to amber.
Twisting and turning around the roundabout, Poppi felt her frail figure jolt and heave. She looked out of her window at the fallen leaves of orange, yellow and red, the tires crunching against them. Never in her life had she seen an Autumn day.

Out of oblivion, a hot, crackling feeling arose from her chest and into her throat, and she let out a scratchy cough.

"That sounded nasty - you okay, Poppet?" Her father asked from behind the wheel.

"Mhmmm," She giggled back, rubbing the nub of her bottle within her teeth.

However, it wasn't long before the same feeling took hold of her lungs once more; unknowledgeable of how to control it, she coughed and wheezed.

"Oh, baby girl. You don't sound very good at all." Martin's chest tightened with anxiety. "Al, do you think she's getting ill?"

"I hope not," Alan replied, his fingers nervously tapping the wheel. "If she is, it's probably just allergies from the weather change. Let's not panic."

"Yeah, yeah. Panicking will only make it worse."

"Exactly, babe."

And so their journey proceeded.

It Won't Always Be Like This (Alan Wilder x Martin Gore)Where stories live. Discover now