Chapter 3

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I was tired.

Heck this was bullshit.

I could even give it all up, I can't take it anymore.

What is wrong you ask?

Well lemme just start with the fact that I'm very dammit uncomfortable.
This chair is the worst. Eveeerrrr!!!
It was wooden but had cushions that supported the ass and back. But the problem is damn was it hard. It was like stone and no matter how long I had been seated on it, it was still ice cold.

I kept fumbling and readjusting on my seat. And oh it isn't only the chair but some very inappropriate despicable certain vicious man who refused to take his eyes of me. His eyes were dark blue and they were on constant watch on my every movement.

Wasn't he taught some manners?!!!

I tried to look back at his eyes with the same intensity of glare and intimidation but failed shamelessly.
I tried to look away but there was nothing to look at. It was just a very huge room, a red carpet that covers pretty much all the floor, a small library and his table and the chairs which I was really gladly very much enjoying the seat.

Note the sarcasm.

So I just decided why not look at his nose. It was pretty from my view atleast. But what was paining me was the time I had been spending seated in this chair. My butt was sore then but now it was numb. And the Levi Sir didn't utter a word only staring.

He started moving.

Yayy!! A word finally.

He lifted his hand and pressed a button on his desk and spoiler alert!!

He went back to staring.

Come down Z and breath.

Breath in out.

No violence whatsoever. Keep calm.

Just breath.

Maybe just a no no.
Happy thou...


A man entered the room. Okay not enter cause popping your head through the door isn't entering a room. Anyway he saved Sir Levi from a kick to the face.

They stared at each other for awfully long.

Was it a ritual here that just stares no words.
They were killing me with the silence.

The mind conversation that they had just ended and the man closed the door and his footsteps were heard fading away.

"Ummmh so warrup?" I finally gathered some balls to ask. The heavy fat man on my chest was rising.

But you guessed right...his answer was...


If there was a ocean, I would rather jump and drown than continue sitting  and staring at him.


The man started towards his boss desk and he laid the stuff that had been in his left arm and I couldn't help put gasp.

You outta be kidding me.

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