11. Love is no coincidence

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'He is so charming and confident, such a beauty to behold' exclaimed Cecii as she watched the guy on the big screen with her best friends Navi and Jessi. They rolled their eyes at her while she continued praising her boyfriend of her ImagiNATION world. Aben Max, the handsome and dashing model, singer-songwriter, dancer and actor, this guy is an all-in-one, a complete package they called it! With a doctorate degree in Communications! What more can you ask for? He is such a sweet heart Cecii always described him that way. You guys must be wondering who's this narrator, yes I am Dara, Cecii's little sister. But let me make this clear, I am not so little anymore cause I got a boyfriend now(hihi).

Cecii is a girl who loves singing and dancing. She is crazy too! Shouts a lot too, a perfect wife for that Max flirt guy, don't you think? Navi is a girl of her own world, sometimes I wonder how can there be someone like her, do they even exist?, Yes! She's a weird girl. Well, that's why she's so single, so so so single! Jessi is your everybody type of girl, not popular either! She is the mommy figure among the trio. She is damn single too. These girls, I wonder if they will eventually get married. What to do? They are already over twenty and romance is still not a chapter in their life!

Cecii had a crush on this guy for a long time now, maybe almost a decade. We all tell her it's puppy love, it's infatuation or whatever can get him out of her mind but it's keeps on getting worse and worse. Guess she loves him very much. Sometimes, I wonder how can you love and trust someone whom you only see on a screen so hard like I don't even know. Just so weird!

I know that Max guy, he had a lot of flings with his co-stars too. A flirt and a womanizer maybe! We all warned Cecii about this too but she would just put it aside. It's not only my sister who is bewitched, many girls and ladies swoon over him saying he's the perfect boyfriend material and that he would make the perfect boyfriend, jeez these hopeless romantics! (Tsk tsk) There's no one like my Debbie,he should be getting the best boyfriend material title not that Maximum flirt guy. I am so happy to have met Deb, he is such an amazing boyfriend...

We lived in the city so we would always stay in the apartment. We don't go to dates often cause Debbie still in University doing his major in Music. 'Make sure to buy the VIPs seats in the future' I would always bragged about it to Cecii, Navi and Jessi. Cecii would be watching every film, every drama, every video, everything with Aben Max in it. She would shout and cry and act all crazy! Gosh! She's so irritating! Sometimes, I just wish that Max flirt guy would just take away this big sister of mine!

Well, one thing that shaked our whole family and our apartment was the day we heard Aben Max new drama team would be shooting near our vicinity! If it was made into a film, our family drama would have been much better than that Max guy film! It was Cecii of course, she would finally get a close up of her ImagiNATION boyfriend. She went to all his concerts and tours but never really get to see him up close. So, she was making sure to be recognised today.

She called Navi and Jessi over, she didn't call them to do her makeup, they are those kind of girls who put lipstick or lipgloss like a full makeup. Unlike them, Cecii love makeup and likes to dress-up. She called them over to give her their remarks! If you ask me, I wouldn't trust them. I am not belittling them you know just that our taste don't match, I like the  hot and sexy vibe type but they would dress her up like a nun saying 'Wow, you look so elegant'. Not a way to impress a guy, that too an actor. I had a debate with Navi and in the end, I let her win the argument, she's so good with words, that is why she's so single, damn she's so weird!

She said, Since Max is a celebrity, he would be with many type of girls now. Sexy is not something that would tempt him anymore. The concept should be purity and uniqueness, like a breath of fresh air. I couldn't help but agree so yeah, let's hope that the rejection doesn't hurt that bad. This is just my gut feeling, I will never say it out loud to this heck of trio! They will kill me, cut me off, fry me and then bury me!

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