Summer 2016

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Summer 2016

This weekend would be two years since Max had moved in with Zoey and he had plans. The trouble was going to be making it to Friday without Zoey figuring him out.

There were rumors around the office that someone was going to get promoted which had everyone on edge or working overtime. Max wasn't too concerned about it though. He felt sure their boss, Joan, had already decided who was going to be promoted and everyone's last minute fretting wouldn't make a difference.

He was however grateful for the week's chaos as it was helping keep Zoey too occupied to notice Max acting strangely. The one downside of being in a relationship with your best friend is that they could read you like a book and Max wanted to keep this weekend a surprise. Monday Zoey had new projects to focus on. Tuesday her brother had called and Max had managed to avoid detection. Wednesday came and went without the slightest hint that she was on to him. Thursday however was a different story.

"Who could it be though?" Zoey asked for what felt like the fifth time today.

"Whoever Joan wants to see less of," Max chuckled. Zoey hit his shoulder. "Ow."

"I'm serious," Zoey continued.

"It won't be Leif or Tobin," Max replied. His old university friends had only started working at this company a few months ago after hearing about it from Max. "They're too new."

"That leaves who," Zoey continued. Max started listing the other people who worked on their floor, most of whom they didn't talk to much unless they were assigned to the same project. Next Zoey wanted to talk about who on his list would be the most likely to manage this floor now that Joan was moving up.

"Zoey honey I love you but we really should be working, not gossiping," Max sighed.

"Oh right," Zoey said, sheepishly. "I just can't wait till the announcement!"

"You and the rest of the floor," Max chuckled. "Now help me with his code. There's a bug somewhere but the computer can't find it."

"Right work," Zoey said firmly. "Tasks to be done. Where's my laptop?"

"In the spinny sofa chair," Max told her, pointing. She moved away to collect it and rejoined him at the main table to go over the code together.

About two hours later, Max's eyes were starting to see blur and he decided they needed a break. Checking if Zoey wanted anything as well, Max got up and headed to the elevator.

Two floors down something quite extraordinary happened. A man got on the elevator. Max stared at him, then did a double take. It couldn't be?

"Max right?" the guy said.

"Yeah," Max replied, with a nod.

"It's been a while."

Max nodded again, still processing who he was talking to.

"How is she?"

"Good, great even," Max said. "We've been together two years now."

"As I suspected," Simon replied. "You know when Zoey and I were together I was always jealous of you, not that I ever told her that. She was so adamant that you were only friends I didn't think pointing out the obvious was a good idea."

"Fair enough," Max said. Despite the unexpectedness of the moment, Max was actually quite happy to hear this. "So what brings you to our office?"

"Head hunting meeting," Simon said.

"So are you poaching from us or are we poaching you?" Max asked.

"The latter," Simon answered. "But I'm not sure if working here is a good idea. I didn't know you and Zoey were here."

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