15 🌹

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A/N - Okay so we're not anywhere near the full finale yet!! Got a few more chapters I'm working on for this, and I'm just gonna do this here so I can plan it out - Would any of you be interested in having two different endings? One angsty and one bittersweet/Hopeful? ❤❤❤


Roxanne gripped on tightly, staring distantly as the unfamiliar roads whizzed by. They had descended onto the beach but after that, she wasn't quite sure where they were going. The distant rumble from behind trailed along with them, passing by the tiny dotted bonfires on the dark beach and barely alive greenery seemingly surviving the hot Californian sun. It was a surprise in general how such a small place held a decent population let alone a horrendously large number of deaths on a frequent basis. It was all so confusing and she would do to stop worrying if her mind would let her.

Fingers clasped tightly yet unsure around an unfamiliar stomach, bare and slightly cold as the bike jumped. Each time she always held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut. She was never prepared for it when they happened, and a small part of her thought he was doing it on purpose. Michael was not too far, following after the fast headlight racing off to where their source was leading them.

Roxanne dared not rest her head on his back or shoulder to ease the discomfort of the stinging winds, putting up a daring front as her mind stopped racing and she tried to settle into the cool leather as best as she could. Each speedy turn and every second she thought they were close to crashing, she would try not to tell out but she couldn't help it.

Marko occasionally glanced over his shoulder, a casual check in as he made sure Michael was keeping up just like they could. He couldn't keep his feelings at bay, at least not physically as his body had been buzzing the moment he pulled her onto the back of his bike. A blanket of content wrapped around him and he found himself driving just a little tiny bit slower than he usually did.

The glare of the fire up ahead was close and Roxanne was filled with a strange sense of dread as they got closer. Michael wasn't comforting either as he had refused to meet her eyes since the ride. She didn't know how he was feeling, but from the way he was treating what happened... it just- it nipped at her. They were close at one point and to think that Michael wasn't comfortable being honest with her... his own sister, it hurt more than it annoyed her despite her attitude.

When she was finally able to hop off the bike, with the help of Marko to which she was quick to let go of that helping hand, she was all too aware that they were far from the public. Michael pulled up next to them, quietly but quick.

"What now?" Roxanne asked and before Marko could spot them, they were drawn to a disembodied voice. In the shade of the warm glow over the dunes, is where the unmistakable voice came from.

"Over here." It echoed, drawing them to one of the trees above. The distinct clattering of chains, squeak of boots and footsteps in the sand were more profound as the others made themselves known. Bathed in a subtle glow, they stood, leaning against a tree just outside of the warm glow and rowdy voices. Looking as no good since the day she met them.

"Glad you could make it." David was the first to greet them, a devilish smirk plastered on his face as he shifted his weight to one leg as he nodded to Marko.

Roxanne was unsure of what to say, so brave beforehand when it was just one of them but all four? Nothing was coming out and she didn't know where to start. Marko waited the two as he slowly walked over to join them.

"What's going on?" She finally asked. Michael rested a protective arm around her waist, but it wasn't enough to subdue the dread.

"Can someone tell me?" Roxanne was hoping for answers, or at least confirmation that this was all a bad joke and an infuriating tasteless attempt at humour. Although all the weird happening so far had been anything but funny.

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