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I can't stand my friend anymore. She makes me so mad.

She thinks she needs to be treated like royalty for being trans

She's like "but I've been through so much so you shouldn't complain about your life"

EVERYBODYS been through something tough. But I won't compare our problems.

She knows I'm lesbian and she said "would you date me" i said no and she got pissed. She said "your just transphobic". UGHHHHHHH

I swear I'm bouta slap her someday.

Then she texts me saying "nobody's texting me guess your my only friend :(" . o my flipping god. She is friends with literally everybody in the grade. Shes even is friends with people on the internet she don't know.  Then she texts "nobody likes me cause I'm trans :(".  EVERYONE LIKES YOU. WHEN SHE CAME OUT EVERYONE WAS LIKE YASSSSS QUEEN, TRANS RIGHTS, YASSSS YOU GO! Everybody wants to hang out with her. The only people who don't really like her are some homophobe boys. Every single day at lunch she says I'm going to sit with those guys. Why not bring them over here. Why not just say "I don't wanna be friends" cause you obviously don't. 

I've lost every single friend except the toxic one that thinks only about herself and thinks she's sooo special.

Well that's enough ranting. Not even close to becoming a boy yet. Hope I will soon

peace out ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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