Chapter 10: You suing me??

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Above is a pic of Sebastian. This chapter isn't edited, please excuse any errors.


"Whatever it is can we do it after my ribs heal, I don't want to miss the drama" Max said.

"No we have to do it tomorrow, now be quiet" I said sternly and he pouted.

"Don't worry, I'll record it for you" Sebastian said and I glared at him.

"So continue Boo bear" Duncan said to which Max and Sebastian laughed.

"We have to go to court" I said and they all gaped.

Blossom's POV

After my encounter with Ace I feel much happier. It reminds me of the days when we were younger. Today I finally have the courage to go and clear out my mummy's office. I woke up early, had breakfast and left for the office.

I walked inside the office, only to be met with gaping faces. I greeted all of them and went to my office.

There was another letter on my desk which I threw away once again. These letters really are becoming a nuisance to deal with.

I finish handle the cases for today and head over to knights oil headquarters.

Over there I was met by Sebastian. Sebastian helps me run the company because it's too much for me to cope with.

"Hey bastion, what's up" I said as I was walking to my office.

"Blossom, there's something we need to tell you" Sebastian said anxiously.

"Spill" I said.

"There's someone in your office" he said

"Who" I asked as I checked the remodeling of the processor.

Before he could answer I saw Ace, SITTING IN MY CHAIR.

"Ace, can you please GET OUT" I said glaring at him.

"No, I'm quite comfy" he said nonchalantly.

"Get out or I'll make you go" I said as I was fuming.

"Ohh I'm sooo scared, but it's fine I have somewhere to be" he said faking fear.

"I feel so bad for those people who have to deal with you" I said as i glared at him.

"Oh then you really gonna want to cry" he said with a smirk.

"Why so?" I asked.

"Didn't you get the letter?" He asked confused.

"What let.... oh shit" I said as I facepalmed myself recalling me throwing it in the bin.

"What did you do" he asked narrowing his eyes.

"I kinda... sorta maybe definitely... threw it in the bin before reading it" I mumbled.

"You threw in the bin" he said in disbelief.

"B, B, Knight oil is being sued" Chloe ran in out of breath with a paper in her hand.

"By who?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed as I snatched the letter.

Just as Ace was trying to sneak out, I grabbed him by his collar.

"You suing me?" I screamed at him.

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