Sadice - Rejection

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I didn't sleep the rest of that night. By the time the sun came up, my emotions were so spent, I felt numb and wooden as I rose, dressed, and went to the infirmary to check on my patients. After checking in with all of them, there was nothing left to occupy me there, so I went to find Jaden, who was chopping wood for Cook. He said nothing as I wordlessly began stacking the wood as it fell from the block. We worked in silence until Jaden couldn't hold it in any longer.

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "That Captain Arden puts me in mind of a young Sargeant that graced your bed some years ago."

I nodded.

"Seems like you two would be all over each other. Not many have found their lovers since the war. You're both lucky."

I clenched my jaw to keep the tears in, but my vision blurred until I couldn't see the logs to pick them up. Jaden paused and leaned on his ax, turning his full attention on me. I kept my head down and fidgeted with the wood in my hands.

"Did she find someone else?"

I shook my head.

"Does she no longer like women?"

A laugh escaped and my tears spilled over. I looked at him and his face softened.

"She's still at war," I said.

"Ah." Jaden gathered me up and held me until the tears quieted. "Many soldiers are. She may come around, especially if she's near you."

I shook my head. "She came last night and told me she doesn't have anything to give."

"Right now," Jaden insisted. "Right now she doesn't. The war's only been over a couple months. Things like this take time."

"Maybe." I was still too numb to muster anything but despair.

"I have said it, it is so," Jaden laughed and pushed me back, gripping me by my shoulders. "Dry your tears, Sadice. Arden is alive. That is something worth celebrating."

I started to shake my head, but he tsked. "While she is alive, there is hope. Reflect on the possibilities and set aside your moping. Did you do more than talk last night?"

His eyes twinkled and I couldn't stop the shy smile from my face.

"I thought so." He laughed again. "Go help pick apples and get more than a bushel this time."

Jaden gently shoved me away and I went and did as he bade, my heart a tiny bit lighter.


The days slowly rolled into each other and autumn moved toward winter. The soldiers were here to help rebuild and reinforce defenses and they set to work with enthusiasm. Trees were cut down and logs split, half burnt buildings torn down and new walls erected in their place.

Captain Arden had seven towns to oversee, so she was gone more often than she was here in our town. Those days she was here, I kept my distance, my wounded heart unable to bear her presence for long.

I did watch her, though. I watched her interact with her men, guiding more than ordering, encouraging more than disciplining. And they loved her. They worked harder when she was nearby and spoke of her with respect when she wasn't there. Unbidden, my heart swelled with pride when I overheard them discussing my soldier woman. I had known she would be great.

Stories slowly leaked out from the soldiers as the days passed, time and hard work putting space between them and the war. This company had been with Captain Arden for a year and they had all been at the final battle at Dragons Mountain. Shadows fell over every soldier's face anytime Dragons Mountain came up. They never said much about it, but I gathered they had lost more than three quarters of their company in that one fight and Captain Arden had done or become something they were all in awe of. None would speak of it directly, but they always fell silent with a grave nod of respect.

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