Arden - Truth

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The rain made quick work of the fire and I directed my men to help move the family whose house had been struck to a nearby barn where they could stay for a couple nights until we could repair their house. They finished quickly and with a nod, I dismissed them to their drinking and debauchery for the evening. The revelry in the town square would be done for the night, but the tavern was still open. My men would be hung over, but they would all report for work in the morning.

I headed to the edge of town and up the hill to my headquarter where I usually slept. Lt. Ford caught up with me half way there and fell into step next to me.

"Fun night for the boys," he said by way of greeting.

I nodded in agreement. "So long as they're at work in the morning."

He nodded in return, accepting the reminder. We walked together through the rain in companionable silence.

"You and Sadice seemed to be having a good time," he finally ventured.

"We got caught up," was all I offered.

"Old friend?"

"We met at the beginning of the war. I was stationed in her town."

He nodded. "Does she know?"

I stopped and looked directly at him. He faced me.

"She does not... exactly. Spit it out." I glared mildly at him.

He didn't back down, but met my glare with the open look of a trusted friend. "She deserves to."

"That's hardly your place to say," I told him stiffly.

He nodded again. "As your second, you're absolutely right. As your friend, it's my duty to say it. I've watched her over the past weeks. It's clear she has a thing for you and, your pardon, but it's clear you have a thing for her as well."

I opened my mouth to tell him to stay out of it, but he spoke quickly.

"This war has taken something from all of us. You have been given something back. Not all of us have that. I think she can handle it." He smiled. "She's tougher than she looks."

I glared. "Are you done?"

He looked up at the sky as if contemplating. "I could be. Are you going to see her tonight?"

"I wasn't."

"You should." And with that he turned and went back toward town.

"And you should tell her everything," he tossed over his shoulder as he walked away.

I watched him go until I was sure he was really leaving. Then just stood there in the pouring rain.

I couldn't tell her everything. It was more than I could deal with on most days. I wouldn't inflict that on her. That wouldn't be at all fair.

And yet, I found myself wanting to. She had been there when this war started. Despite my silences and withdrawals, she had always sought me out, drawn me close, and kissed away my nightmares. Why couldn't I let her do that again? Why couldn't I just be with her and let that be enough? Why couldn't I just be?

No. I shook my head and started walking again. Eight years was a long time. She didn't deserve my pain.

And yet, instead of going to my own quarters, I soon found myself standing in front of her door. It took me a full ten breaths to dredge up the nerve to knock.

For long moments, nothing happened. My heart pounded. Just when I had about given up, she opened the door.

My heart smote me when I saw her face and the redness of her eyes. I had done this. I had made my love cry. Before I could move, Sadice grabbed me by my shirt front and pulled me inside, slamming the door behind me and shoving me against it. She held me at arm's length with both her hands gripping my shirt. Her eyes bore into mine and fresh tears fell onto her cheeks.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Anger and hurt made her voice tremble.

I didn't know what to say. All my reasons suddenly seemed very selfish and ill considered.

"Why do you keep doing this to me?" She pounded my chest with her fist twice, then three times. She glared at me, but as I just stood there, unable to speak, her anger melted into hunger and without warning, she pushed herself against me and kissed me. Her breasts heaved into mine, her strength of emotion making them swell against her night shirt. I kissed her back, hard. All the longing I'd locked away so tightly gave way like a dam, sweeping through me, igniting all my senses.

Sadice jerked me to the bed and without a word demanded I satisfy her. We made love, but it was aggressive, harsh, even brutal. I fought to keep the fire at bay. I'd never seen this kind of passion from Sadice and it was intoxicating, threatening to undo all my hard won control.

When we were done, I lay panting beside her, my fists clenched and I could almost see the steam coming off them. Sadice didn't seem to notice. Slowly, as my heart rate slowed, control came back and my hands cooled. I relaxed.


Sadice slept with her back to me. Before, she had always snuggled against me, tucked into my arm, so I knew she was still mad.

Fair enough. I had put her through fresh hell since arriving. My fault.

And yet I found myself grinning into the blackness. Eight long fucking years of bloody war and here I finally was, lying next to the only woman I'd ever loved, her soft skin pressed against mine, her hair brushing my face, her soft breathing soothing in its calm rythm.

I rolled toward her back and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close. She sighed in her sleep and pressed closer to me. I smiled again.

Maybe it would work out after all.

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